This Christmas gift from my fiance's family is perfect bedtime reading! Good vibes, easy to put down when it's time to sleep, and I'm enjoying learning more about Jane Goodall. 😊 #bedsidetable
This Christmas gift from my fiance's family is perfect bedtime reading! Good vibes, easy to put down when it's time to sleep, and I'm enjoying learning more about Jane Goodall. 😊 #bedsidetable
Got into bed and what did I find but my bigger bookworm‘s current TBR. She loves these science beginning reader books.
#bedsidetable #tbr #wildkratts #magicschoolbus #raisingreaders #bookworm #currenlyreading
Current #bedsidetable books! Finished one, reading two, getting ready to start the last one.
Just realized that I am maybe reading too many things at once? #currentlyreading #bedsidetable #pileup