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Jane Austen Society | Natalie Jenner
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#Pemberlittens its's time for #JaneAdjacent Book Club!
1️⃣ Reread. I originally listened to the audiobook when it first came out. Love that it's narrated by Richard Armitage. Also own a print copy. First Impressions - such a gorgeous cover.
2️⃣ Adam. His mother reminds me of my mother. “You read too much. You read her too much."
3️⃣ Human chain to fill Adam's haycart with books and then drive through town.

Crinoline_Laphroaig 4️⃣ "Yet on his loneliest of days, he sometimes felt as if he was being saved by Jane Austen." This was teenage me. I want 'Saved by Jane Austen' on a tshirt.

"Despite her continued and extensive reading, Evie‘s favourite book remained Pride and Prejudice. Almost as a type of test, she had pressed it on her limited social circle..... If they failed to enjoy or— even worse— finish the book, she wrote them off just as dismissively."

Crinoline_Laphroaig “But one can always read Austen.”

5️⃣ "I‘ll take Lizzie over Emma any day.” Lizzie taught me to be an Obstinate Headstrong Girl and that has served me well.⬇️

Crinoline_Laphroaig 6️⃣ For years I took part in #AusteninAusten. While it's no longer official event, I still dedicate every August to Austen. My husband often quips how is August any different than the rest of the year.

I generally reread Pride and Prejudice in my Birthday month of June. When I first started keeping track on @Goodreads I estimated I had read every other year since I was 16. My current read count is 18 times and that's probably on low side.⬇️

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Crinoline_Laphroaig 7️⃣ While both have beautiful gardens, The Great House has a Library.

8️⃣ I would live there, put up a Notice 'to apply to the Housekeeper for tours'. I would cosplay Mrs. Reynolds from Pride and Prejudice, give tours, then make up stories about myself.⬇️

Crinoline_Laphroaig 9️⃣ You know that game of what one book would you take on a long journey or want if stranded on a deserted island? My answer is always 'my volume of the Complete Works of Jane Austen'. 🎩📖📚

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