Well hello there!
Well hello there!
Winner winner chicken dinner! Thank you so much @Sue for my #aussiesrule2018 challenge prize, it is much appreciated! A notebook, stickers, gel pens (next year's challenges book will be MUCH fancier), and The Brightsiders!
My 200th book for the year is not in the Litsy data base. @Litsy could you please assist?
Melanin Garden is a passionate, no holds barred collection of poems about politics, gender and social commentary.. Anisa Nandaula is a slam poetry champion and I can hear her voice coming off the pages. Highly recommend!
Congratulations to @Lauredhel for being the first person ever to finish the Aussies Rule Reading Challenge 2018!
There‘s a little prize pack on it‘s way to you - thank you for participating!
If you‘re participating in #aussiesrule2018 make sure you let me know when you finish!
Icefall is a terrific SF/fantasy novella from the point of view of Aisha, an ex priestess and mountaineer with a troublesome prosthetic arm. Her wife Maggie is tackling a giant unconquered mountain on a distant planet, while Aisha can only look on due to the rules of the solo contest.
And with that I actually managed to FINISH #aussiesrule2018! Yay! Books read are in comments. @Sue
I‘ve started reading this one, and rather than the 1st person POV chapters being named for the character, there is a symbol at the beginning of the chapter and at the bottom of each page to let you know who is speaking.
Are you looking at the challenges you have left to complete or the year and freaking out? I know I am! I‘ve just posted a prompt mash up for the #aussiesrule2018 challenge to help you out with some suggestions! You can find it here bit.ly/2yRlebw
How many Australian Littens are there??? I‘ve been trolling #aussieaussieaussie #aussiereaders #perthlife, etc. Didn‘t see #aussielittens anywhere. Who‘s out there? From Denmark, Western AU (SW) #catsoflitsy
And with Silhouette of a Sparrow filling my Set In 1920s square, I am done before November starts! #litsyreadingchallenge #lrc2018
Book list in comments.
Now I have four categories to go in #aussiesrule2018, and they won't be nearly as difficult as the war and true crime categories here!
My hand slipped rather a lot at the book store this morning. What are you reading this weekend?