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A peek into the Leo pack!! This was fun! Thank you again Christine- I really love it!

Bookwormjillk 🦁♌️🦁♌️🦁♌️ 3w
LatrelWhite Leo‘s unite!!!♌️ 3w
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This quoteable little gem was philosophical, convincing, well-characterised, and eccentric. I truly appreciated it.

It did, however, take me far too long to finish. I struggled to stay focused. My mind just kept wandering.

If you want to watch me say a variation of the above out loud, click on the link below 🤣🤣



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This one is slow going. Good, and very quotable, but slow going.

90% sure I know where this one is going.

To the point where if what I think is going to happen DOESN'T happen I will be surprised, and possibly disappointed.

We shall see...

Pogue This book was so good. Let me know if you figured out the why. 1mo
DGRachel I loved this book so much. 1mo
Yuki_Onna I really enjoyed this one! I'm curious to hear what you think about it at the end! 1mo
Branwen This title is everything! 1mo
RaeLovesToRead @Pogue @DGRachel @Yuki_Onna Totally called this one 😋 Just saying 😉 1mo
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I had no idea what to expect when I started this. In fact, 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was foolishly thinking it was a short story collection. Kept seeing it on many Best Of lists and somehow grabbed a copy from a LFL or the Library sale, can‘t recall. I am starting to wonder if I should do more prep. I usually don‘t read/enjoy mystery/thrillers because then I start thinking they will be fast and twisty. This is NOT. This is definitely on the literary side and ⬇️

BkClubCare it took some time to get into. I needed more big blocks of uninterrupted time to finally get swept into it to appreciate. Which I do! Giving it high pick. Just stick with it and don‘t give up on ol‘ Mrs. Duszejko. 🦌🦴🚜❄️🌲🐕 (edited) 1mo
BkClubCare #Aug2024 Book66 (edited) 1mo
BkClubCare #ReadICT category recipe (Mustard Soup?!) 1mo
sarahbarnes I loved this one too! 1mo
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My reaction to this book is like a pendulum. It swings one way and I‘m excited by the writing, how Tokarczuk delivered the story almost obliquely, from the POV of Janina who, perhaps admirably, doesn‘t seem to waiver from her righteous (?) moral system. It swings the other way, and I‘m in awe that I finished the book, having found Janina mean and often unsympathetic and the “mystery” predictable. ⬇️

psalva Again it turns and I‘m reminded of how I was swept along by Janina‘s thought-provoking philosophical monologues. There was much I liked about this book in the end. I have a strong impulse to want to discuss it with others. It brings up many moral questions and paints a picture of a flawed and messy world. As I write this, it seems like the pendulum continues to swing toward the positive. Will gravity continue to function and change my mind? (edited) 1mo
Lindy This book has stuck with me too. I was totally charmed by cranky Janina. My overall reaction was much more positive than yours because I loved it wholeheartedly. 1mo
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It was incredibly difficult to capture a shot of a plow while driving from Nebraska south back home to Kansas but I liked the photo composition of this farming implement and decided to use it anyway. Starting this now.

BarbaraBB Great photo and I hope and expect that you‘ll love the book! 1mo
BkClubCare @BarbaraBB - thanks ☺️ 1mo
sarahbarnes Loved this book! And having grown up in Nebraska, appreciate the pic! 😃 1mo
BkClubCare @sarahbarnes - Yay! 🌽 1mo
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A nice look at the phases of the moon and how to work with them 🌚

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Aries Rising | Bonnie Hearn Hill
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1 - I consulted the star signs so many times the spine split completely in two
2 - Isak Dinesen was a favorite author from early adulthood. I particularly loved Seven Gothic Tales and Anecdotes of Destiny
3 - Christian Kracht‘s Imperium: a Fiction of the South Seas


dabbe 💙🩵💙 4mo
Eggs Interesting-sounding books👏🏻👏🏻 4mo
iread2much 1) I‘ve actually read a few books so many times that they fell apart, it‘s why I switched to buying hard copies from my favorite authors. The first book I ever bought, Arrows for the Queen is very much taped, glued, and held together by love and stubbornness. 4mo
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iread2much 2) Mercedes Lackey has been a favorite author of mine since I first bought Arrows for the Queen when I was about 13. I still enjoy her books. 4mo
iread2much 3) I actually don‘t enjoy reading books the first time, I find it stressful if it‘s a really good book to not know what‘s going to happen. I like to read loved books over and over again and for really good ones, I get something new each time I read it. But if I had to choose, We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. It would be great to read it fresh with more adult experiences in my life 4mo
iread2much Thanks for the tag @catiewithac and @Eggs 4mo
catiewithac @iread2much I love your answers! 😍 4mo
Eggs @iread2much An honest clarification 👏🏻 4mo
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I will admit- i‘m overwhelmed by astrology, terms, ideas. one thing i liked most about this book was the big focus on New Moon- for beginnings and Full moon for release. I am soothed by cycles and this part did not feel overwhelming with positions and dates and times etc…. I think I would like a copy one day for myself. #travelingstars24

JenniferEgnor I tried to understand astrology, I didn‘t get far. I used to do moon rituals all the time, one for each phase (waxing, waning, full, dark, new). There‘s something so mysterious and magical about the moon. 5mo
wanderinglynn How you feel about astrology is how I feel about tarot! 😆 I get astrology so much more than tarot. 5mo
Chrissyreadit @JenniferEgnor I just can‘t keep up with degrees, houses, it just feels overwhelming… I need baby steps. 5mo
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