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Bolla: A Novel | Pajtim Statovci
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I‘ve read many a book that is grim & have a capacity to appreciate good writing that moves you to despair. I‘ve never read one that made me question whether reading books was something I needed to stop doing. I‘ve debated how to rate this - the story is certainly realistic and the writing kept me reading. Ultimately, I‘m panning it because it requires lots of crime tape around it. (Caution, caution, this will mess you up & think life is hopeless.)

AmyG Yikes. 😬 13mo
Suet624 @AmyG yeah. 13mo
sarahbarnes I‘d had this one on my list and do love a heavy read, but this sounds like it may be too much even for me. 13mo
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Suet624 @sarahbarnes the other reviewers seemed to recommend it and were accurate in saying it was hopeless and sad. Maybe it was timing for me, but A Little Life has nothing on this book. This book is a bully. (That last line just popped in my head and I thought, “yup, that‘s so true….) 13mo
sarahbarnes Oof. It took me months to get over A Little Life. A bully - what a great description that I‘m going to keep in my pocket for future use. 13mo
LeeRHarry This was so so heavy - had to finish it for a thing but wouldn‘t recommend it. 13mo
CBee Had to come and check your review - worse than A Little Life? No thank you 🫢😳 13mo
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Lea Ypi‘s memoir of her childhood in Albania while the country undergoes major changes is eye-opening and moving. Her family goes from coveting an empty Coca Cola can as a decorative object, to being able to buy all kinds of soft drinks without even standing in a queue. Excellent audiobook read by Rachel Babbage with the author reading the epilogue.

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In my family, everyone had a favourite revolution, just as everyone had a favourite summer fruit.

AmyG Ha, that is how my grandson eats raspberries! 1y
Lindy @AmyG That‘s one of my sisters in the photo. She says she learned to eat raspberries like that from her granddaughter. 😄 1y
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The mastery of the subtle boundary between following rules and breaking them was, for us children, the true mark of growth, maturity and social integration.

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Bolla: A Novel | Pajtim Statovci
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I don‘t know if I even have words to describe this one. It sickened me, broke my heart, and is generally overall hopeless. Arsim is one of the most unredeemable characters I‘ve ever read. The story of how he meets, falls in love, and cares for Milos starts so promising. But he is married, has a child on the way, and is Albanian and Milos is a Serb. The war will tear them apart, but they do that on their own. Homophobia, war, ⬇️⬇️

LaraReads and self-loathing lay ahead. The story is intertwined with the Albanian folklore of the Bolla, a demonic serpentine dragon who is only free to roam the world one day a year, when it will devour anyone in its path. And it is what these two men become. 1y
LaraReads Arsim in the way that he destroys anyone and everyone who has ever cared for him, and Milos in the way that Arsim and his war experiences break his soul and lock him away in his own mind. It is a devastating story that breaks everything in me. 1y
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LeeRHarry I read this one last year - ultimately the sick feeling I had throughout made me struggle to finish it. 1y
LaraReads @LeeRHarry it was a complete struggle! I alternated listening & reading, and the narrator for Milos broke my heart. The narrator for Arsim made me want to throw up. 1y
LaraReads @LeeRHarry I stuck with it for the importance of a book that talks about how homophobia and war destroy so much, but it was very tough. 1y
Librarybelle Great review! 1y
BarbaraBB What a terrific review 1y
Cinfhen Sounds really rough 😥 1y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress! 1y
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Here‘s hoping these bright colors bring spring! #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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@Vansa - Your list had SO many books I had never heard of. It was hard to choose!! I stranded you with a nonfiction, three covers I found intriguing, and The Thief, about which I have heard many good things even though I haven't read it yet myself 😂 Good luck being #TrappedonanIsland with these reads!!


Vansa These sound great, thank you! I can't wait to start😀I get stuck trying to pick a book to read from list so it's nice that someone else did the thinking for me 😀 1y
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The Ghost Rider | Ismail Kadare
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I have to say I really enjoyed reading this book. It wasn‘t quite what I expected but it was a very good read.

The Ghost Rider | Ismail Kadare
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Giving this one a go for a bit. There hasn‘t been a lot of reading happening round here of late but now the seasonal stuff is over I hope to dive in.

Dilara If that's the book I think it is (my version's title is “Qui a ramené Doruntine ?“, ie “Who brought back Doruntine“?), I hope you like it - I did! 1y
Darklunarose @Dilara that‘s the one. And I am enjoying it, inky got the first chapter read last night, but about to sit down in the (hopeful) quiet to read some more. My project for the last few years has been to slowly read a book set in each country. This one is my Albanian book 1y
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Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax | Dorothy Gilman
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Recommended to me by a friend. This was a delightful story! Basically a spy novel, except instead of James Bond it's a 60-something widow who is bored of Garden Club and volunteering at the hospital. It has most of the same elements as a James Bond novel, but is more upbeat/cheerful. Really fun and quick to read. Good for anyone who likes the action/spy/mystery genres. One of my favorite books so far this year. Definitely Recommend.

Blueberry ❤️ Mrs. Pollifax 2y
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