Another classic finished #3-thank you Serial Reader😊 #2018BookChallenge #52books10Classicsin2018
Another classic finished #3-thank you Serial Reader😊 #2018BookChallenge #52books10Classicsin2018
#2018bookchallenge #12 The Great Alone- Alaska, it doesn't build character, it reveals it. I was personally drawn to this book-having two brothers who lived there for some time, one in Fairbanks, and one in Anchorage❄️ Total thumbs up to Kristin Hannah for an intense and detailed novel. My favorite character was Large Marge😊
Started this one a few days ago...Gab tells it like it is...Definitely a good read & you will not want to put it down or you will need plenty of wine to get through this book...Happy Reading Peeps....🍷📖🤪...
#gabrielleunion #weregoingtoneedmorewine #pourthewine #sipandread #bookswag #readingissexy #readingisfun #bookpagefeature #bookstagramfeature #bookstagram #2018bookchallenge #bookpage
#2018bookchallenge #52inayear just completed #1 in 2018 "The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde. Woohoo on my way?