Great story! I also literally LOLd at the little intro story in the first part of the collection.
Great story! I also literally LOLd at the little intro story in the first part of the collection.
80/150 I love Doctor Who, and I've enjoyed many of his written adventures, but this isn't one of them. Slow and tedious, I thought the author was building atmosphere, but then nothing much happened. The Cybermen never really come off as a scary threat, lumbering along like slow zombies, ultimately defeated by some last second techno babble on the Doctor's part. Also, I felt the story suffered because the Doctor was without a companion. ⬇️
A soft Pick for this because I do love a Moon-based Doctor Who story and Eleven was credible, but the mechanism for alien invasion was not entirely satisfactory.
The weeping angels are the scariest Doctor Who monsters in my opinion.
#scarathlon #photochallenge day 14: monster
+6 team #spookyghostclub @Clwojick
This has a timey-to-the-wimey beginning and a rather scary middle. I like how it throws you into the action and disorients you a bit before putting things back on track. Not as much fun as Vol. 1 but makes up for it in unsettling-ness.
Absolutely loved this. The 11th Doctor‘s voice and expressions are spot on, and I loved Alice from the get-go. I liked that they saw the first gig of a young man clearly modelled on David Bowie. His draft version of “Space Oddity” had me cackling, because I am secretly 4. I also liked how the chapters built on each other but felt self-contained as well. Looking forward to Vol. 2!
I thoroughly enjoyed this. It was a story collection of the first 12 Doctors in order. My favorite was the 9th Doctor's story, The Beast of Babylon 💙
Rose is one of my favorite companions. Her storyline broke me, but I enjoyed seeing more about what happened after that through this comic. My only complaint is with the art style. I just didn't like it at all.
Postman rang shortly after 8am. 😴
Second hand #BookMail and DVDs for the growing Doctor Who collection.