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The Confessions
The Confessions | Saint Augustine
14 posts | 10 read | 2 reading | 5 to read
Boulding's fresh new translation of this classic captures the essence of Augustine's struggle to integrate faith and understanding as his heart seeks to rest in God. Augustine's Confessions has been much translated: but it is no exaggeration to say that Sister Maria Boulding's version is of a different level of excellence from practically anything else on the market.
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The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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Not a real review - how could I judge this work? But I‘m glad I read it, and even more glad to have read it along with The Great Course to help me.

The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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1. 🤯 😮✝️💜
2. I don‘t count them in my “books read” challenges because, even if there is nonrecipe text scattered throughout, I don‘t tend to read them straight through.
#two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday! 4y
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The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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@ShyBookOwl I am trying the FlupKlip and so far it works well. Very portable, but you can use it in combination with a desk or pillow to not hold the book at all. I like that I don‘t have the tension in my hands of holding it open. I‘m not sure about the ease of page turning at this point. 🤞🏻

mom2bugnbee Following for an update! ☺ 4y
Lcsmcat @mom2bugnbee With this book, which is dense in terms of words on the page, and in terms of wrapping my head around difficult concepts, it works fine. I think for a faster read it might annoy. I‘m unable to slip the pages under the tabs without lifting the tab. Slicker, thicker paper might work that way. I can slip the right hand page out without lifting, so it‘s possible. 4y
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The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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“But when he was reading, his eye glided over the pages, and his heart searched out the sense, but his voice and tongue were at rest. . . . But with what intent so ever he did it, certainly in such a man it was good.”
Augustine‘s surprise at Ambrose reading silently implies that it was unusual, if not unheard of.

vivastory If I remember correctly Manguel wrote about this in 4y
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The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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The Great Courses are on sale! I got this one, The Divine Comedy, Russian Literature, and The Great Tours: England, Scotland, and Wales. Starting this one today!

quietlycuriouskate I've just had a browse of their catalogue 😍. Have you taken their courses before? And if so which format did you opt for? 4y
Lcsmcat I have done audio only (for a course on the romantic poets) and video for a course on the Black Death (highly recommend! Available on Amazon Prime.) Those were both good, and 4 lectures in I‘m liking this one. 4y
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The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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The world is a book and those who do not #travel read only one page. #QuotsyJuly18

BookaholicNatty Beautiful view!!!!! 6y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads We were on a cruise @BookaholicNatty I guess you are saying “Duh” now that I type this 🤣 6y
TrishB Lovely pic 💕 6y
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The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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The best part about the library is that you can get any book that grabs you. So far, this is very interesting. This copy is so nicely translated and the Bible quotes are italicized so you can tell when Augustine is quoting and when it is his own words.

The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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I have not read a book with a #zombie in it.

#rockinmay @Cinfhen

batsy I meant to post this as a blurb, not a quote 😂 #zombiefied 7y
Cinfhen Like your hashtag and graphics ❤️I bet you'll get some awesome recommendations today😊 7y
batsy @Cinfhen 💜 yes I'm looking forward to the zombie recs! ☺️ 7y
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saresmoore Haha! Neither have I (unless you count Frankenstein's monster). And apparently, neither has Augustine. 🙃 7y
batsy @saresmoore Same! It's hard to keep one's monsters and zombies straight 😰 7y
saresmoore I can see the inspiration for some poetry here—monsters & zombies. It would probably end up being a metaphor for the state of the world. 7y
batsy @saresmoore Oh yes, I feel like it always is. I don't know if you've read Romantic Outlaws but it has some really nice insights about what went into the writing of Frankenstein, which can be summed up as, "the world is terrible". 7y
saresmoore I haven't read it and it sounds great. Thank you! 7y
Reviewsbylola I'm sure I have, but I can't say for sure and zombies don't interest me! 7y
batsy @Reviewsbylola Same here, I'm not sure why! I feel like everyone else loves zombies, why can't I 😂 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk The easy recommendation that is a smart thoughtful global take on concept is 7y
batsy @TobeyTheScavengerMonk I've heard of this one and seen it pop up today for the tag... I'll try to give it a go! Thank you. 7y
LeahBergen Nope. I haven't either! 😬 7y
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The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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So sorry @JPrecht it was supposed to be there yesterday but now says it won't be delivered until tomorrow! 😳

JPrecht But it WAS delivered today!!! I was just about to tag you!!!! 8y
CoffeeK8 @JPrecht, that's such a relief! I felt so terrible!!! 8y
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The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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#SaintAugustine - in the midst of endless philosophical and theological theories, I find comfort in the moments when both fields finally make sense. 😋#GradWork

The Confessions | Saint Augustine

I held my heart back from positively accepting anything, since I was afraid of another fall, and in this condition of suspense I was being all the more killed.

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The Confessions | Saint Augustine
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What a #greatquote! I completely agree. Repost from @Avidreader25

LauraBeth Great quote 😀 8y
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