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Welcome to our genetic world. Fast, furious, and out of control. This is not the world of the future it's the world right now.
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August 6 #BookBinge LeastFaveGenre Science fiction with too much technology info that I don't understand can be soooo boring and this author is the worst. @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs ❤️🐒🤍 10mo
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Next | Michael Crichton


Next | Michael Crichton
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Next is all over the places coherence is not its biggest priority. Crichton created a potpourri of genetic issues and possibilities that didn‘t quite smell good!

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I guess Crichton wanted to tell a cautionary tale but he failed to make me care. There are too many characters and all of them are underdeveloped. There's a name, some description of their physical appearance and what they do for a living, and that's it. Some of the events were shocking, but I was so detached by then, I just wanted the book to end already.
This was my #bookspin for July @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks I also feel like his writing can get rather polemic at times, like he gets caught up in making a point instead of telling a story. 3y
eeclayton @TheAromaofBooks Absolutely. Didn't feel it in his earlier work, though. Maybe the editors got more lenient with him after he became more well-known? 3y
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The first Crichton I am not impressed of. I can guess what the author wanted but what he created doesn‘t feel like a suspense-packed book but like a desperate effort to put in all the discoveries he made during his research. Yes, he does well in intertwining reality with fiction but there are too many plotlines and characters … I often lost overview. Plus: Because it‘s so complicated the blurb isn‘t apt.

Sorry, but I‘m glad it‘s over.

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Cheating a bit by recycling this picture. 🙈

Balcony time with self made ice coffee. ⛱
First time this month (and also in maybe 3-4 weeks) that I am finding time to pick this up. Let‘s see how long I need to find back into the plot.

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My second treat today. ?

Concerning the book: Yeah, I like it. It‘s entertaining. But, you know, I‘m having issues with the cliché-like characters. Most women are sexually attractive – and when they enter the scene all males drool. ? And Austrian woman have short-cut hair, are sturdy but are wild and ever-hungry in bed. ?

Coincidence: Apes obviously have a crucial appearance in this novel.

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First treat of the day: Balcony reading. 😍

I managed to read 20-25 minutes yesterday.

What do you think❓
Do I finally figure out how to include my new sports programme 🤸‍♀️(🙄) into my day without having to neglect real reading❓😉

(I‘m not too sure but slightly optimistic …)

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“This novel is pure fiction.
Apart from the passages that are not.”


(I needed to grin but I‘m sure I should have rather been choking on my grin.)

Next | Michael Crichton
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My “next” read is a chunkster.

At least if you compare it to the last books I read. Really read. 👓 (Not listened👂🏼to.)

513 pages story plus 26 pages annex.

I‘m really looking forward to it. Crichton‘s books usually are highly entertaining to me. The plot is suspenseful and I‘m always learning something.

Plus: I recently had _no_time_ to read which made me sad. I really missed reading. I ❤️ audiobooking – but it‘s not quite the same.

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🎧 I love Bad B Movies!

This is so bad it‘s good! Was that intentional?

Crazy gene therapy convoluted plot.

Several tangents all explode from the get-go & circle around to merge at the end.

There‘s bad, there‘s good, there‘s silliness.

I loved Dave & Gerard. The girls bathroom scene 😂

Everything is written to work but that‘s ok cuz it made me smile!

A large ensemble cast of characters. Good narration. A bit dated.

Fun ⭐️⭐️⭐️7/8 👇🏻

Twainy Talking animals, animals with human dna, human experimentation, a maturity gene, court cases, divorce court, seriously a mess of a plot but it just made it a fun interesting ride cuz you know Crichton gets pseudo technical. Cavemen preferred blonds! Are they going extinct? Blonds not cavemen. 🤪 Read at your own risk. 3y
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Next | Michael Crichton
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I have some mixed feelings about this book. It was, like most of Crichton's works, immensely technical. That said, he had a talent for making the technical painlessly readable. The book comes across as an assortment of barely related subplots with the main purpose being to get across Crichton's personal feelings about science. Yet, I felt compelled to keep reading to the end. I'm giving it ⭐⭐⭐⭐, but I'm still not sure if I liked it or not.

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Next | Michael Crichton
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Ever think surely you've read a book, but, according to Librarything and Goodreads (which you specifically use so you DON'T forget), you haven't? I have been wanting to read this one, but I keep fretting that I'll get halfway and realize everything is eerily familiar. I was sure I'd read all of Crichton's books, except for the train robbery one. Oh well, guess we will find out. 🤷‍♀️

catsuit_mango I had recently added a book to my toreadlist but calibre told me I had read it, checked in good reads and sure it was 8 years ago. If the plot does not ring a bell it was not so good. On the other hand I realised mid-rebecca that I knew the plot but still enjoyed the reread... 4y
Schnoebs I‘ve recently started getting into Crichton and this next on my list for him. 4y
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What to read next? Don‘t mind my messy shelf! #shelfie

Crazeedi I love your bookshelf, I need one like this° 4y
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Next | Michael Crichton
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Hi all! A colleague has asked for my help with author recommendations, but I‘m a bit lost so I‘m sure fellow Littens will be able to help out....

He gets fixed on one particular author and reads everything and has recently read Michael Crichton‘s whole back-catalogue. Which similar author should he try next? He likes tech-based books, a bit Black Mirror but not too Bladerunner, if that makes sense to anyone....

Thanks for any recommendations!

wanderinglynn I haven‘t read it yet, but I‘ve seen a lot of Crichton fans recommend 5y
Susanita Maybe James Rollins? He's not my particular cup of tea, but someone gave me a book of his that was kind of interesting. 5y
LibrarianRyan Lets see, Neal Stephenson, Douglas Preston, phillip Keer, Blake Crouch, Chuck Wendig, S. Neuvel 5y
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Melissa_J I would second the nomination of James Rollins. He has a series that starts with 5y
Melissa_J Also Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child‘s Agent Prendergast series. This is the first book 5y
Graywacke Neal Stevenson is the first that come to mind. (But then I didn‘t like Crichton 😁) 5y
Kimberlone Anything by Blake Crouch - he does a great job of putting science speak into words a normal person Can y sweat and along with incredible story/plot 5y
squirrelbrain Thanks @wanderinglynn and @susanita - I‘ll let you know how he gets on! 5y
squirrelbrain So many options @librarianryan - thanks very much! 5y
squirrelbrain Thanks @Melissa_J and @Kimberlone - Littens are just great! 👍😁 5y
squirrelbrain @Graywacke - that made me laugh! 🤣 5y
8little_paws agreed on Blake Crouch 5y
MrBook Blake Crouch has already been mentioned 👍🏻👍🏻. Andy Weir, Daniel Suarez. Mark Russinovich, Neal Stephenson 5y
MrBook If the medical part of Crichton is enjoyed, Robin Cook. Ramez Naan, Arthur C. Clarke, Richard Matheson might work too (especially “I Am Legend”) (edited) 5y
MrBook Scott Sigler too. Big fan of his. 5y
squirrelbrain Wow thanks @MrBook - so many recommendations! That‘ll keep him going for the next few years....! 👍😘😁 5y
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What to read next? Help me choose!
#voteformynextbook @Ireadkidlit

BookNAround George and Lizzie. I have in my tbr pile too. 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto Children of blood and bone! 6y
BridgetteM I vote for Children of Blood and Bone! 6y
CouronneDhiver I like the colours on the bottom right 💛💙 6y
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Next | Michael Crichton
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The best kind of days are the ones where you can read an entire book before dinner! Surprised how fast I read this, but it was hard to put down! Crichton‘s books are so exciting and well researched.

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Which one do I move on to next?! (Yes, I may be a bit Royal obsessed)

Mdargusch That‘s a tough one. 6y
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I got my 😔 last #coffeebeanbookclub 📦 today.
@Avanders thanks for everything! And my favorite coffee. I 💕 that coffee. The socks are 🍌.
I wanted to read the tagged book and the others look interesting.
This club has been so fun and I‘m sorry to see it end. Thanks for organizing it @Mommamanzi

LegosAndPajamas Hey! I seem to keep missing all of these cool clubs and exchanges! Where do I find out about them? 6y
Kshakal I am so sad this is our last round!!! I loved this postal book club so much! 6y
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TricksyTails 🙀 Those socks!!! 😍♥️😍♥️ 6y
Avanders I know @MaleficentBookDragon and @Kshakal -- can't believe it's almost over!! After this, we just get our own books back 😧 6y
Kshakal @Avanders this makes me so sad!! 6y
ReadingRover What‘s that owl? Is it a book? Or a towel? It‘s eyes are mugs right? Or is it coffee? (edited) 6y
MaleficentBookDragon @ReadingRover pretty cool right? It‘s a notebook. 6y
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Next | Michael Crichton

This books was ok. I enjoyed the biology and science behind the book. I listened to it and maybe that's why I struggled but there were so many characters and storylines, it got really confusing. By the end of the book as it was wrapping up all the different storylines I just couldn't remember who half the people were or why their ending would make any sense. I feel like some of what happened really had no purpose. There were things I liked.

Next | Michael Crichton
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What should I listen to next? Invisible Man is narrated by actor Joe Morton and I hear great things about You Can't Touch My Hair! Thoughts???

TheWordJar You Can't Touch My Hair! I read the physical book and loved it, but I wish I'd listened to the audio. 7y
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Next | Michael Crichton

I have to admit this was not my favourite title by Crichton. The concept was interesting and I enjoyed the discussions of legal ramifications of biological research and patents, but something was just missing for me. There seemed to be a million characters to keep track of and after a while I found myself detaching from the narrative. Now I just have to decide what to read next....🤔

Megabooks Agreed. Well said. 7y
Jabberwocky @Booksandcooks thanks! I'm glad I've read other books by him though because if this was the only one I don't know how much of a rush I would be in to try any others. 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk While I've read a bunch of Crichton I've always steered clear of this one. The concept never really grabbed me I guess. Now I'll know to keep on steering clear. Thanks! 7y
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It's been a productive day thus far; drove my partner to work, did some house chores and took the pup for a walk. We even discovered this little free library a couple blocks from our home! Nothing caught my eye today but I'll be back, and with contributions!! Now to sit down with some lunch and try to finish this book up. 🍜🐕🏠#littlefreelibrary #riotgrams #yyc #dogwalks

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Thank god for this day off. I've pretty much gotten to spend the entire day reading & snacking & catching up on some serious introvert time. After a 50 hour work week I needed it!! I was able to pick up this hardcover for $1.25 and it's in great shape, I'm super stoked to get into it. Also I couldn't have asked Georgia to pose better. 😂#scifi #pupsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #readingbuddies

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I can't decide. Which should be next?
I plan on reading both this month; I just can't decide what I'm in the mood for at the moment.

Redjewel_7734 I vote for The Handmaid's Tale! (edited) 7y
moranadatter Another vote for The Handmaid's Tale. 7y
MaleficentBookDragon I own Handmaid, but Puppets is a library hold. Hmmm. 7y
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Picked these up today.

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The only challenge I'm doing this year. Goodreads Group.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds like the best one!!! 7y
CoveredInRust @Riveted_Reader_Melissa It does! I need something really flexible cause my reading mood changes so quickly. The biggest stipulation for this is that the books must be ones you own. That's fine for me since I own probably 900+ unread books. Are you doing this one? 7y
DivineDiana Just signed up for this! But going slow. Signed up for Pike's Peak to start. Only 12 books from TBR shelves required. Hopefully, I'll climb higher! 😀 7y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @CoveredInRust I was just over on Goodreads joining and reading the mountain levels! 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag No library books 😱 I wouldn't cope (I work in a library) otherwise brilliant plan! 7y
CoveredInRust @DivineDiana Little by little. 😃 7y
CoveredInRust @thegirlwiththelibrarybag hehehehe I also work in a library, but I own so many books that I've long held a restriction against checking books out unless they're comic books or audiobooks. Also, I have a terrible time enjoying a book if there's a deadline to it. Odd quirk. 7y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Zelma Good luck!!! 👍👍 that will be quite a feat! 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I'm like a dragon seeking shiny objects with books! I borrow more than I can read (without giving up my day job anyway) good luck! 7y
CoveredInRust @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I'm exactly the same way! Happy New Reading Year! 7y
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Next (Enhanced Edition) | Michael Crichton

This book follows too many POV's, and the author makes it hard to follow what's going on in the first half of the book. If I wasn't set on finishing what I started, I would have quit early on. After about halfway through the book it starts to make sense what's going on, but there are characters that were only mentioned once in the beginning of the book and all of a sudden they become the main characters in the last (few) chapter(s). 2/5

Next (Enhanced Edition) | Michael Crichton

How can it take me years to get all of the books in an already published series and yet I have gotten 4 Michael Crichton books just this month?!!