Pg.197 and reading fast! Love this book! Vi is finally starting to crack.
I did end up reading this before Leviathin Wakes. I never did learn to love Elene, although I was happy when she climbed down of her high horse. Vi could has used some more page time, particularly considering she‘s such a bad ass, but once again, this was a predominantly male centered story so no surprise there. I did enjoy this trilogy though and intend to pick up Weeks‘ other books.
Truly torn. Do I finish the nigh angel trilogy or do I jump to the first book in the expanse series (which is a library book, so it has a ticking clock)?
This trilogy will always be one of my favorites. It's so well written and complex; every read through is exciting.
I don't know what happened between books 2 and 3 but I didn't enjoy this one. It felt like there was too much going on, but at the same time nothing was happening. And there was some parts that were too vulgar for my tastes. Plus the whole going to war over a female thing. 🙄
I got all of these from the Open Books bookstore's booth. 16 books for $10! If you ever find yourself in Chicago, check them out!
Loving today. Spending my day resting my body, reading a great book, and avoiding all chores.