I could not get through this book. It was interesting at first to see her passion of the structure of language but that excitement wore off quick. I can about half way through, but I just can't waste my time on this anymore.
I could not get through this book. It was interesting at first to see her passion of the structure of language but that excitement wore off quick. I can about half way through, but I just can't waste my time on this anymore.
Ready for a fibromyalgia recovery day. Trying a new trick I read about the other day. When I start losing focus I switch to the other book. Hoping this technique will keep me reading all day long.
I love bits and pieces of this book but a lot of it moved too slow. Still I enjoyed it up until the last 10 chapters, but that's only because I can't stand Tom Sawyer. He irks me to my very core. He's a terrible selfish friend and he acts so self righteous.
My mom gave me this book saying it was an important book to her because it was the first time she realized she could talk to God about anything. I felt like I just read part of my mom's childhood so it will be forever special to me.
I got so angry that everyone pressured Margaret the way they did about religion and not evening explaining the differences. Saying you are born into it is such crap. Such a good example of toxic Christians.
For my birthday I asked everyone to give me a book that was special to them because I wanted to feel connected through the shared experience of a story. This is the first of my birthday books I've going to read, given to me by my sister-in-law.
Loving today. Spending my day resting my body, reading a great book, and avoiding all chores.
It took me almost a hundred pages to get into this book but now I'm hooked. Hopefully the dogs will keep themselves occupied so I can keep reading today
I can't believe how sucked into this story I got. I downloaded this to my kindle because I was broke and it was free. The story starts slow and cliche but then it twist and turns. The characters themselves are enough to keep you interested. I loved it enough that I know I'll be rereading it soon.
I can't believe how sucked into this story I got. I downloaded this to my kindle because I was broke and it was free. The story starts slow and cliche but then it twist and turns. The characters themselves are enough to keep you interested. I loved it enough that I know I'll be rereading it soon.
Whoa this book is getting good. It's like the classic literature version of Xmen! I'm halfway through and ready to finish it today.
All my enemies will be destroyed through the power of the dark side!
Reading this series has made my violent daydreams more vivid and more frequent...
Didn't think I'd like a book all about the dark side but I devoured a third of it and have official switched sides. I've unleashed my dark side!!!
Here is my reading goal for the month. Half of them are short reads but this is still pretty ambitious for me. Let's get to reading!
A wonderfully rainy day. My sweet Willow is so comfy, I don't have the heart to move and go make dinner. Oh well, guess I'll have to stay right here and read. Drat 😜
Finally getting around to reading this book. Really enjoying the story. Although, I need to work on my critical reading skills because I feel as though I'm only scratching the surface.
Oh September! Hearts, once you have them locked up in your chest, are a fantastic heap of tender and terrible wonders - but they must be trained.
Best way to relieve stress after a long day of work is a refreshing treat and a wonderful fairyland.