A little late but here is my supporting our local little indie bookstore. (Not pictured are one for an upcoming swap and Goosebumps: Thee Scarecrow Walks at midnight (book tax from my daughter for having to go along))
A little late but here is my supporting our local little indie bookstore. (Not pictured are one for an upcoming swap and Goosebumps: Thee Scarecrow Walks at midnight (book tax from my daughter for having to go along))
Just given up on it almost halfway through it.
I love an atmospheric book, I love art, I like experimental writing & can definitely appreciate descriptive language, I enjoy historical fiction, and I‘m all for an unreliable narrator. But I can‘t with this one, it doesn‘t engage me in the slightest. There are other books out there. #richardflanagan #gouldsbookoffish
Really loved this crazy book. Sentences were 🔥 and the story is wild. For any fans of books like #CloudAtlas by #DavidMitchell, highly recommend. #booksmatter #amreading #amwriting #writing #reading #experimental
#bachelorette #fiercefeb
Bare with me here...this may be cheating, but I'm choosing the tagged book based on the really fun Michel Gondry-directed music video in which Bjork finds a big book buried deep in the ground with blank pages that begins writing her biography (starting with 'I found a big book buried deep in the ground', etc.). I've always had a soft spot for 'found book' postmodern frames, and the tagged book is a cool variation on this.
I wasn't sure what to say about this strange and wonderful book, and then I found a quote from Donna Tart's The Secret History that I just started and it seems to fit perfectly, despite the fact that it describes a contemporary Californian town and not a 19th century Tasmanian penal colony:
I am definitely in a 'normal place' this week by this quote's standards. I think I need to move to Tasmania and start dreaming of becoming a seahorse.
Here's my collage for #bookssetbythesea.
I didn't really get on with the Flanagan book to the extent that I never tried his Booker winner, but I love that this UK hardback printed each chapter in a different colour of ink to represent the different inks the narrator was able to make from the fish he caught.
#septphotochallenge #somethingforsept