- "George R.R. Martin"
#IHaveADream In this #Dreamsongs collections GRRM gives a compendium of his shorter works and offers fascinating insight into his journey from young writer to award-winning master #ANewChapter 🥂
#BookNerd 📚💙🤓
Happy birthday Mr. Martin! You did it 🙊😳😩I hope you live long enough to finish the damn books!!!
Any fans of grrm's non-ASOIAF novellas? My boyfriend came home with this today and my love for very big books/ grrm/ fantasy has me intrigued.
How aesthetically pleasing are these books next to one another! I own a few series where the spines match up to make a picture but never the front covers! How cool? 😍🎨
Very excited to read these short stories by George R.R. Martin, book 2 includes the Song of Ice and Fire novella; The Hedge Knight. 📚
Anyone been watching season 7?❄🔥
#books #reading #bookish #bookworm #asongoficeandfire #gameofthrones
Fun to listen to these other stories by George R R Martin. I'm especially enjoying George's commentary on his life at the times of the stories.