#Scarathalon Photo Challenge - Day 5 - Blood 🩸
Last night‘s Broadway show brought this one to mind. Saw this a few weeks ago - currently starring Josh Groban as the deadly barber - but the night of he was out with COVID. 🥲
#Scarathalon Photo Challenge - Day 5 - Blood 🩸
Last night‘s Broadway show brought this one to mind. Saw this a few weeks ago - currently starring Josh Groban as the deadly barber - but the night of he was out with COVID. 🥲
Sondheim is a mad scientist genius. 🥧 🔪 🐦 🇬🇧
Last weekend, my company opened Sondheim's #masterpiece Sweeney Todd. It's been so much fun to to spend the last few weeks deep inside this story and its lurid literary history! #Movember #seemoretheatre #seemoreopera
I think everyone has their own interpretations of the #whiterabbit but to me, he is a lackey. He lives a pompous, privileged life and justifies poor actions as loyalty to his master. He's better than you and isn't afraid to let you know it but when "master" says so, he will kneel. There is a heart there somewhere....deep, deep, DEEP down but you only see tiny glimpses
Just screams Beadle Bamford, doesn't it?
#characterslikealice @LibrarianRyan
Day 7 - #alittlepriest #musicalnewyear
Seems a downright shame...
TODD: Shame?
Seems an awful waste...
Such a nice, plump frame
Wot's 'is name has...
Nor it can't be traced...
Bus'ness needs a lift,
Debts to be erased...
Think of it as thrift,
As a gift,
If you get my drift!
Seems an awful waste...
I mean, with the price of meat
What it is,
When you get it,
If you get it...
Look who I found 😂😂 Sweeney Todd
Mid-week theatre to kick off a month of it! This spooky campfire tale rendition was done in a recreation of a London pie shop and the ambiance played a huge part. Norm Lewis was an amazing Sweeney Todd. Perfect chills to cut through the summer. Also, there was pie.
Anyone else say this every time they pick up a book? No? Just me then? 😝