This one does not disappoint either! Be sure to read books 1 and 2 first to understand all of the details.
It is interesting to see the differences between illustration from older books compared to newer books.
This one does not disappoint either! Be sure to read books 1 and 2 first to understand all of the details.
It is interesting to see the differences between illustration from older books compared to newer books.
30 more strange stories about the students on the thirtieth floor.
I think this is my favorite of the three that I have read.
#thoughtfulthursday @MoonWitch94 @Texreader
1. Tomatoes and watermelon
2. Keeping the Moon
3. In Hawaii, we were offered a night boat ride to see the whales...I ended up getting sea sick, took some dramamine, promptly fell asleep at a table and woke up when we were docking. So no 🥴...but I did hug a dolphin once at an aquarium, it was my nieces birthday present from me. She wants to be a marine biologist 😁🐬🦈🦈
Mrs. Jewls is getting fat and nobody knows why. The kids are still hilariously misunderstood. There's a Gorf running amongst them. Miss Mush saves the day. And the substitute who can read minds offends everyone frequently. Can't beat good ol' Wayside School. #throwbackreadathon @Clwojick @monalyisha
This is darker than I remembered! It prays upon your deepest fears: uncontrollable urges, unintentionally hurting the people you love, having your privacy invaded, not being able to speak up for yourself, being invisible, being ignored, people finding out your secrets. But it‘s also hilarious. When Sachar makes a joke, he commits. Small, ridiculous details will nonchalantly be brought up chapters later. And it ends beautifully. I actually cried.😭
It may seem “strange” to you that I chose to read a Wayside sequel for the #ThrowbackReadathon & not the original. I did so specifically for these chapters. Ms. Nogard: she has a 3rd ear on top of her head & can hear her students‘ innermost thoughts. Whatever they‘re worried about, she uses her super-hearing to find out & expose it.
*Cont‘d in comments below 👇🏻
Good morning!☀️
I have to go to work again today, i.e. school. (I work at a shapeshifting library inside a school: during the day it‘s a school library: after-hours, it‘s public). I plan to finish my book before I head out, though. And today, I‘m reading during my breaks! I‘m not letting anyone or anything stand in my way! And I‘m not going to drop my lunch on the floor & spend precious time picking up millions of tiny grains of quinoa, either!😆
“The bad stuff rose to the top of the brain. Even if a person was very excited about something wonderful, the person still worried about what could go wrong.”
#aintitthetruth #monkeybrain #wordsnottoliveby #ThrowbackReadathon
If Ms. Zarves (& her story) reminds me of “Welcome to Night Vale”, Doctor Pickle brings to mind none but the inimitable (except in this case, apparently) Doctor Jacoby from “Twin Peaks” (with a slight NPH/Lemony Snicket twist). Am I crazy?
I forgot about Mr. Gorf entirely but reading about him again, I swear my pulse quickened & my breathing got shallower. PRIMAL FEAR.
He uses his third nostril to steal his students‘ voices (like some sort of bizarro Ursula). When they‘re silent, he creepily tells them how “nice & quiet” they are. By twitching his nose, he can imitate any of their voices perfectly. When an adult comes to check on them, he uses this trick to lie & say they‘re safe.
@Clwojick I feel like this is a snack you‘d get behind. Maybe dipped in ranch dressing? 😂
Pretty sure this is 100% what I look like in the morning... aside from the door labeled “Principal.” Excuse me, the “goozack” labeled “Principal.” What was I thinking using such a dirty word?! But other than that, it‘s an *exact* likeness.
Totally normal. Don‘t even worry about it.
Sorry for my prolonged absence this afternoon! I swear I wasn‘t snoozing on the co-hosting job. I was just at work (booooo). I‘m home for the night now, though, & ready to recommit. Hi, #ThrowbackReadathon-ers! How‘s it going so far?
P.S. Please note that in this photo, I‘m using an NES game as a pillow. Comfy? Apparently.
(Bonus #throwback challenge: can anyone correctly identify the game?)
I feel like the creators of “Welcome to Night Vale” definitely read the Wayside School books. 🤔