As always a delightful, quick read densely packed with science and fiction and social commentary and prophesy.
As always a delightful, quick read densely packed with science and fiction and social commentary and prophesy.
Now on to the original dystopian sci-fi novel, without which there would be no Planet of the Apes, Mad Max, The Hunger Games, or Divergent. This is non-debatable.
Well, I guess the "inspiration" for #steampunk is as close as I can get for today's prompt. #SeasonsReadings2016
#photoadaynov16 when my University was very close to the #Ateneo was a temptation and definitely a #booknerdproblems now that we move to another neighborhood i cant go but have the same problems that every other booknerd to many books to little time and a never ending tbr.
El #GrandSplendid estaba cerca de mi universidad y era una tentación para comprar libros ahora que hay otra sede, solo tengo muchos libros y poco tiempo
Happy birthday to H.G. Wells (1866-1946)! Not only did he pull one of the biggest pranks in American history with his War of the Worlds radio program, but he is also a prime example of what science fiction can teach us about society and human nature. I devoured his books as a kid—he inspired many pretend time travel journeys. 📻⌛️👽