This is the story of Bob Burgess, a tall, heavyset man who lives in the town of Cosby, Maine, and he is sixty-five years old at the time that we are speaking of him.
This is the story of Bob Burgess, a tall, heavyset man who lives in the town of Cosby, Maine, and he is sixty-five years old at the time that we are speaking of him.
Loving this, even though I haven‘t read all of the preceding titles. Bringing the title characters together in small town Crosby, Maine in a post pandemic world.
Just a little light reading on the flight to Cancun
💛💛💛 🎧A lot of characters to keep with and talking!!!🤣
A simply wonderful way to spend a few hours of your life. I love Elizabeth Strout.
"Bob, I think that we are all standing on shifting sand.... I mean, we don't ever really know another person. And so we make them up according to when they came into our lives....
even if you marry someone later in life, no one knows who another person is. And that is terrifying. You know how you said you were terrified? As far as I'm concerned, everyone should be.
Not my favorite by this author.