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We Shall Be Monsters
We Shall Be Monsters | Tara Sim
33 posts | 9 read | 1 reading | 10 to read
Frankenstein meets Indian mythology in this twisty, darkly atmospheric fantasy where the real horrors are not the monsters you face, but the ones you create. One of the most unique and intelligent books Ive read. . . Alluring, completely enthralling, and masterfully rendered. Axie Oh, New York Times bestselling author of The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea Kajal knows she is not a good person. If she were, she wouldnt selfishly be risking her sisters soul in a dangerous bid to bring her back to life. She would let Lasya rest in peacebut Kajal cannot stand the horror of living without her. As Kajal prepares for the resurrection, the worst happens: Her sisters soul warps into a bhutaa murderous, wraith-like spiritand Kajal gets sentenced to death for her sisters rampage. There seems little hope of escape until two strangers offer to free her. The catch: She must resurrect the kingdoms fallen crown prince to aid a growing rebellion against a tyrannical usurper. Desperate, Kajal rushes to complete her end of the deal . . . only to discover that the boy shes resurrected, Tav, is not the crown prince. Now Kajalprickly, proud, admirer of the scientific methodmust team up with Tavstubborn, reticent, and fonder of swords than of booksto find the real crown prince. With only a scalpel and her undead dog, Kutaa, at her side, Kajal must work fast before her mistake is exposed or Lasyas bhuta turns its murderous fury on the person truly responsible for her death: Kajal herself.
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I was a a little late reading this for the #whimsicalreadsbookclub but I really liked it.

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brittanyreads In short...no. It ended on a pretty large cliffhanger when the action was just beginning to build and character roles had just been established. We're kept in the dark about who's who and what's what for mostly all of the book. To get that clarity at the end and for the story to abruptly stop was frustrating. I would def continue with a second book though. Overall I enjoyed the story and where it was headed. 2mo
kelli7990 I was okay with how the book ended. If there was ever a sequel, I don‘t think I would be interested in reading it. 2mo
Meshell1313 What a cruel ending! I also had no idea this was going to be a series so I need the sequel asap! 2mo
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BookmarkTavern Yeah, I was a little disappointed too. It felt like we were in the middle of the rising action when it ended. But I loved so much about the world and the characters, I would definitely pick up a second book. 2mo
BooksNBowls I think it depends on when she releases the sequel if I will continue on. They did us dirty with that ending!! But, I liked the pacing of the story by the end and hope the next book keeps the same pacing. 2mo
KateReadsYA Hahaha, the ending was just too overwhelming for me. If book 2 was out I'd have picked it up the same day to see what was gonna happen next. 2mo
Meshell1313 @KateReadsYA yes! Exactly!!!! I hate the waiting. 2mo
Sace So obviously I am way behind on this read along because I just finished on Monday. I was so frustrated! I had now idea it was a series so I was surprised by the abrupt ending. I liked this book though so I will probably read the next book. (edited) 2w
KateReadsYA @Sace I knowwww. I want book 2 yesterday 🤣 2w
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KateReadsYA Tav was my favorite of all the characters. He was so caring, committed, and level-headed. 2mo
brittanyreads Kajal was my favorite. I love a reluctant main character that doesn't want to be a part of the adventure and would rather live a quiet existence. I'd like to read more books with characters like these(recommendations, anyone?) I enjoy how witty and catty she could be and how fiercely devoted she was to those she cared for. She took sh*t from no one, not Prince, priest, or peasant and I loved it!! 2mo
kelli7990 I liked Kajal. 2mo
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KateReadsYA @brittanyreads She was giving queen vibes 2mo
KateReadsYA @brittanyreads She's another Nesta 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2mo
brittanyreads Yessss! I love it so much! 👑 Tav was so sweet, too. I really enjoyed his character arc with Divya at the end and the way that bond transcended death. 2mo
Meshell1313 What about Kutaa?!!! Love that undead dog! 2mo
kelli7990 @Meshell1313 I liked Kutaa. 2mo
BookmarkTavern I really enjoyed Kajal! Watching her grow was amazing. She was so loyal and determined, and loved her sister so much. If I pick up the second book, seeing her relationship with her sister would be the thing I look forward to the most. 2mo
BooksNBowls @BookmarkTavern I agree with you! I loved their relationship, it‘s what drove the entire story. I hope we find out more about Lasya‘s lingering bhuta powers and how that affects her being the Deva. I hope Kajal explores her feelings about her past life as Divya, too. I love them both! 2mo
BooksNBowls @brittanyreads I just posted about Clementine‘s Parlor of the Extraordinary and Curious. It‘s a short story about a cozy parlor owner who‘s whisked away on an unwanted but necessary adventure for the royal crown. 😊 2mo
KateReadsYA @brittanyreads The perfect read for you would be Circe by Madeline Miller. 2mo
brittanyreads Ooohh!! Thanks for the recs @BooksNBowls @KateReadsYA I haven't read either 2mo
KateReadsYA @brittanyreads You're welcome. @BooksNBowls and I buddy read Circe, and we loved it. 🥰 2mo
BooksNBowls @KateReadsYA oh yeah! Circe is the perfect rec!! 2mo
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eskoch28 I actually ended up DNF in it because of this. It wasn't really that it was poorly written, it was just that it was so far out of my cultural frame of reference and was at such a large volume, I felt like I couldn't follow the story. 2mo
Meshell1313 I loved how it was a combo of Frankenstein infused with Indian folklore and Hindu mythology. The magic system was so interesting, and I enjoyed learning about the figures that are so integral in the Hindu and Buddhist mythology!!! 2mo
kelli7990 I liked the mythology and the folklore. I had a lot of fun reading the book. 2mo
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brittanyreads If I'd read this via audiobook I would have struggled. Reading this physically was the right way to go and I took my time reading/googling along the way. So, yes, I learned so much! This book dug up a lot of past knowledge I had from taking a few world religion courses in college. The author's note at the end was helpful, as well. I enjoy seeing the world (good/evil, what happens after death..) through the lens of other cultures and religions. 2mo
KateReadsYA This was one of those books that I definitely had to take my time with. I had such a great time researching, taking notes, and looking more into each tradition as I went through the book. Learning about new cultures while reading is always so much fun! I'm really glad this was the pick for July. 2mo
eskoch28 I did audio book book @brittanyreads and yes it was overwhelming. I'll go back at some point and do a physical read through and I bet that it's better for me 2mo
brittanyreads I can imagine @eskoch28 Even reading the physical book, I was getting the names for good and bad energies and even the asura and deva mixed up. It was a lot to take in. 2mo
BookmarkTavern I had a basic understanding of Hindu mythology before reading, so I did have a frame of reference. But I absolutely need to do some reading again to refresh my memory. And I loved the author‘s note at the end about what she created and what she used. 2mo
Sace I know nothing about Indian mythology but that really hasn‘t hindered my following the story. I have had to resist the urge to google everything because that would be a bigger hinderance for me. This is a book I will probably reread and Google more. 2mo
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I really enjoyed the ride that this book takes you on through resurrection (lots of spooky stuff!), Indian mythology (I googled a TON and learned so much!), and the bonds that siblings share, as well as the bonds that we carry with us from one life to the next.
It was heartwarming, fear inducing, and inspiring.
Another home run from the #whimsicalreadsbookclub 👏🏼
I really need the next book NOW!! What is that cliffhanger?!! 👿

brittanyreads Sooooo ready for discussion!! @KateReadsYA A lot to unpack with this one 😅 I loved it 2mo
KateReadsYA Soooo much to unpack. I agree about the cliffhanger, if the second book was out (if there is gonna be one) then I would have started it immediately afterwards 2mo
brittanyreads @KateReadsYA absolutely! I hope there is a sequel soon! Who opens the gates to "hell" and ends a story there ?? lol 2mo
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In order to gain access to what she needs to resurrect her dead sister, Kajal agrees to raise the king dead crown prince to lead a coup. Only, she resurrects the wrong prince. Now she has to fix her mistake, save her sister, & stop the blight destroying her world.

The world building was absolutely breathtaking. & I was so engaged w/ all the characters. But the story comes to a dead stop w/ a long flashback, & ends too unresolved for me.🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑

BookmarkTavern Chapter twenty-eight, suicide by poison 2mo
KateReadsYA Great review. 2mo
BookmarkTavern @KateReadsYA This was a fun read! Thanks for picking it! 2mo
brittanyreads I agree with you on the abrupt flashback. While it was necessary.. it was jarring and took me out of the story so close to the end of the book. I need a second book right away! That ending was just.. erghhh!!! 😠 Left us all hanging.. 2mo
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I‘ve really had trouble getting into this one, but I just got to chapter twelve and I‘m almost hooked.

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Reading at the park 🍄

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I‘m waiting to get my mammogram. I would like to read but the tv in the lobby is too loud (it‘s some tabloid tv show). I really dislike how loud our public spaces are.

AmyG Hope all goes well. 2mo
Ruthiella I hate the fact that the TV is in every waiting room now. 2mo
lil1inblue Our public spaces are SO loud. My husband gets overstimulated by sound very quickly, and I feel so badly for him when we're out and about. 😓 2mo
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quietlycuriouskate Ugh, don't get me started! On the plus side, I got some new earplugs today; just wish they weren't necessary. 2mo
TEArificbooks Just last night I walked into a new restaurant in the neighborhood for book club, the music was so loud it felt like we were in a night club instead. We actually had to find another place to eat because we couldn‘t hear ourselves talk. 2mo
Clare-Dragonfly Good luck! I hate how waiting rooms always seem to have TVs on. 2mo
rwmg I just don't get why it's necessary in a time when everybody is carrying their own entertainment around with them. 2mo
Kimzey Agreed! I went to a doctor once who kept a fish tank in his office and it was so peaceful. I thanked him for not having a TV.
Sace @Kimzey oh I would love that! 2mo
Sace @rwmg well, I‘ve been in public spaces without tv but people were watching videos on their phones without ear buds 😖 2mo
Sace @Clare-Dragonfly our vet has a tv in the lobby but they just put on YouTube ASMR videos. It‘s nice. 2mo
Sace @quietlycuriouskate @lil1inblue it is truly my number one pet peeve of all time. 2mo
Sace @Ruthiella me too! 2mo
Sace @AmyG Everything is all clear! 2mo
AmyG Wonderful 🙌🏻 2mo
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Morally grey MC ✅
Indian mythology ✅
High stakes fantasy ✅
Plot twists and turns ✅
Tender romance ✅
Sisterly love ✅
Undead dog ✅
4.25/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Need I say more??? This was awesome! Saving my thoughts for #whimsicalreadsbookclub discussion post! 🤩🤩

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 2mo
KateReadsYA Kutaa was a real one. He was through thick and thin with her. 2mo
BooksNBowls @KateReadsYA He‘s the goodest boy 🥺 2mo
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3.5 ⭐️
The ending truly saved this book for me! The last 5 chapters were very very good and I wish I could say that about the whole book but the pacing was too slow for the first half. What I liked most about this book was how unique it was and how much I learned about Indian Mythology. I'd recommend it!
Preparing questions for the #whimsicalreadsbookclub end of the month discussion. Make sure to check in on July 30.

Sace I‘m relieved to see you thought the pacing was a little slow at the beginning. I‘ve had trouble getting into it, but Tavinder has made his appearance and I think I‘m much more interested now. Talk about making an oopsie! 😂 2mo
KateReadsYA @Sace He happened to be my favorite character! ❣️ 2mo
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I am jusssst barely started on this book and I'm already having strong feelings. Namely, the fact that it just unapologetically drops you into an abnormal situation and expects you to just roll with it, no lengthy explanation and back story. I didn't realize how much I appreciated that until this book.


brittanyreads Yes! I feel exactly the same. 2mo
Mimi28 Uh oh! This book is waiting for me in the holds shelf at the library 😟 2mo
BooksNBowls I‘m about halfway through and absolutely loving it!! 😁😁 It‘s an interesting premise and I love all the myth and lore 2mo
Sace I‘m only 25% in and that threw me a little. I am slowly getting into it though. 2mo
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Ready for another quiet night of reading. I've only gotten a few of those this month. But I'm feeling very grateful.

BookmarkTavern What a cute mug! 2mo
KateReadsYA @BookmarkTavern thank you. My friend bought it for me from her trip to Mexico. 2mo
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Here‘s my review for a book I just finished reading.

#whimsicalreadsbookclub #libbyapp

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For #weeklyfavorites, I‘m choosing this book from the #whimsicalreadsbookclub that we‘re discussing at the end of the month. Hurricane Beryl hit us here in Southeast TX last week and we‘re still trying to recover. It‘s complete chaos over here. I wasn‘t sure what to think about this book at first but I liked it. It kept me company last week when I didn‘t have power and I didn‘t have any other books downloaded from the Libby app.

Read4life I haven‘t started this one yet. I‘m glad you liked it. Sorry Beryl caused chaos in your area but I‘m glad you are safe. 2mo
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Meshell1313 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
eskoch28 Yack 😂 2mo
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Chapter 6: The plot is finally moving a bit quicker and I love Kutaa!

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Ahhh look what came in in the nick of time!
#whimsicalreadsbookclub @KateReadsYA

KateReadsYA Oh Heck Yeah!!!!! 🤩 2mo
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My library hold finally came in! Starting this right away!!

KateReadsYA The cover 🙌💟💜 2mo
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Yay! Still waiting on my hold 2mo
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I‘m listening to this book. It‘s interesting so far. I‘m here in Southeast TX waiting on Hurricane Beryl to get here. This is the only book I‘ll be reading. It started out as a hurricane then it was downgraded to a tropical storm and now, it‘s a hurricane again. I charged up my portable handheld fan and my iPad is charged now. All of my flashlights are already charged up and ready to use if the power goes out.


Read4life I hope you‘re ok. 💙 2mo
KateReadsYA Just saw this post. How are you?? Hope all is well. 🩷 2mo
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Tonight, I was #audiocoloring this picture while listening to the tagged book for the #whimsicalreadsbookclub. I just started coloring this picture. I‘ve been liking this digital coloring. It‘s going to take me awhile to get finished but I‘m happy with how it looks so far. I think this bird is a goose but it‘s not a normal one because it has a lot of details.


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Can‘t wait to discuss this for #whimsicalreadsbookclub this month. I have a lot of opinions about Kajal and Tav! It was a mix of Hindu mythology and Frankenstein. Really a story about sibling bonds and the balance of light and dark. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

KateReadsYA It's such a unique combo :) I can't wait to discuss as well 3mo
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I just finished reading Gallant and I just started this book for the #whimsicalreadsbookclub. I‘ve only listened to the first chapter and it‘s interesting. I don‘t know if I‘m going to like it or not but I want to give it a chance to see what I think. I‘m borrowing it on Libby because my hold already came in and I noticed that 8 people are waiting to read this book. I guess I‘m not the only person who wants to read this book.

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Starting the #WhimsicalReads book tonight and planning my forecast for the next month. I‘m trying a new game to get through my TBR.. hopefully my mood reading will allow for me to have fun with this! What are some fun and creative ways that you get through your TBR? I‘d love some ideas. I‘ve given up on bingo 😅

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@brittanyreads @slategreyskies @Read4life @Sace @Meshell1313 @kelli7990 @PageShifter @BooksNBowls @Catsandbooks @TheAromaofBooks @Gissy @ShelleyBooksie @GirlNamedJesse @BookmarkTavern @eskoch28
Is everyone ready for our July pick?! My book should be arriving in the mail today 🤗 I can't wait to annotate it. Discussions will be at the end of the month, but feel free to tag me in your posts! Anyone can join us at anytime 🤩

eskoch28 My copy still says a 12 week wait ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ 3mo
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I‘m first on the hold list at the library 🥹 3mo
KateReadsYA @eskoch28 Dang. At least your library has a wait list. Mine didn't even have it available so I had to order it. But I'm not upset because the cover is gorgeous. 💖 3mo
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KateReadsYA @Booksblanketsandahotbeverage That's so awesome. 👍 3mo
Read4life I‘m first in line at the library but there‘s no date yet for when they‘ll get their copies. 3mo
BooksNBowls It‘s $10.99 on Kindle, I ended up having to buy it! It just came out June 25, so I‘m not surprised libraries don‘t have it just yet. 3mo
kelli7990 Yay! I‘m first in line at my library for the book. My library has the book in their system. I placed a hold on it but there‘s a 2 week waiting time for it and it‘s not available yet to read so I‘m just going to buy the audiobook on Audible instead of waiting on the library. 3mo
Meshell1313 Perfect! Just got my copy! 3mo
Sace I‘ve got my copy! 3mo
brittanyreads Just waiting on my library order to come in! 😆 3mo
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Yay! July‘s book club pick is now available at my library. I clicked on the Notify Me tag on there so I would know when it‘s available and so the library would buy the book. I placed a hold on it today so I‘m first in line for it. I‘m looking forward to reading this.


KateReadsYA That's so great. I just ordered my book and I can't wait to get it 💜 3mo
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The votes are in for #WhimsicalReadBookClub July pick!! We Shall Be Monsters by Tara Sim! So excited! If you‘d like to join us in reading, follow @KateReadsYA and look out in the last week of July for discussion posts to participate!! 🤩

KateReadsYA 💖✨️💖✨️💖 3mo
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The votes are in! Make sure to place your holds/get your copy of We shall be Monsters. We will read this one for July and discuss it at the end of the month. 🦋✨️💀
@brittanyreads @slategreyskies @Read4life @Sace @Meshell1313 @kelli7990 @PageShifter @BooksNBowls @Catsandbooks @TheAromaofBooks @Gissy @ShelleyBooksie @BookmarkTavern @eskoch28 @TheAromaofBooks

eskoch28 Wow I'm surprised! I thought it would be dragons for sure! 3mo
BookmarkTavern Wow! Got my hold in on the library, so 🤞🏻 I get it! 3mo
KateReadsYA @eskoch28 It was 5 votes for dragons and 6 votes for monsters! 🤭 I'm soooo excited to discuss this one with you all, it looks like it's gonna be a fun read. 3mo
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KateReadsYA @BookmarkTavern I'm gonna have to purchase, I think. My library isn't showing they have ordered it. It will be released on June 25!!! I love the cover, so I am excited to add it to my shelf. 🖤 3mo
brittanyreads Woohoo!! What a close race! I've read some blurbs about Monsters and it seems like it will make for some great discussions around what really makes us human and topics of morality. 👀 Can't wait! 3mo
Meshell1313 Ooh perfect! 3mo
kelli7990 My library says for this book that it‘s being published on June 24. I don‘t know if that means that they‘re going to add it or not. Maybe that means they‘ve already purchased it. I don‘t know. 3mo
Sace Looking forward to it! I just pre-ordered my copy. 3mo
Read4life I have it on order at my library. It says they have it on order so hopefully they get it close to the release date. 3mo
KateReadsYA @kelli7990 @Read4life Hopefully, yall will get them quickly 🤗 3mo
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At times I was rather confused about what was happening, forcing me to reread sections with the hope of obtaining some clarity. At other times I was very intrigued with what was occurring, but then something would happen or someone would come along and I would find myself lost again. I found Kajal to be a very interesting character. I really liked the strength that she showed throughout the narrative, as well as her stubbornness and intelligence.

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Had this not been sent, I would not have finished it. There didn‘t seem to be any passion in the writing, nor in the characters; it read more like a fact-filled history book than a novel of fiction. I had no connection to the characters, and hence I couldn‘t care less what happened to them. The descriptions were lacking and the action did not pull me in. For me the artwork throughout the novel was the best part of the whole novel.


Overall, We Shall Be Monsters is a YA fantasy that takes aspects of Hindu and Buddhist mythology and then leaps off into the fantasy realm. One highlight of this book is how this book is inspired by Indian culture and religions, which is something that is not often seen in the YA fantasy space. However, as the author wrote at the end of the book, there are things in the book that are inspired by various religions...