#Potion #QuotsyOct20 @TK-421
3/5 ⭐ This was a fun, quick read and I liked the magic and alchemy systems. I've had this on my shelf for ages, so glad I finally got around to reading it! And I think I have the sequel too, so I can carry on with the series.
"There are some things that are just as strong - no - stronger than love potions you know. Like real feelings." -Madly, Amy Alward
I'm posting WAY later than usual, and that's due to the fact that I was visiting Universal Studios today? How many times did I ride the Hogwarts Express? Many times :)
#books #bookstagram #bookstagramfeature #bookish #thepotiondiaries #amyalward #booklover #bookquotes
I read Madly for the first time last year and loved it. Seriously, it's a 4.5/5 stars for me. I haven't seen anyone else post about it, but it's a great book to read if you're looking for a modern setting in a fantasy world, friendship, romance, humour, and adventure. It's a light easy read, perfect for summer. It has a few cliches, but that didn't detract from my enjoyment of this book at all.
#bookreview #currentlyreading #yabooks
This was such a fun read!! It was set in modern times but with some fairytale aspects tossed in and it just made this whole world so enjoyable. Unicorns, abominables, mermaids, and potion making, doesn't get much better than that.
I actually really enjoyed Sam as the main character. At a few points she irritated me, but that's completely normal with any character that doesn't react to something the way I would. She is extremely resourceful.
My haul from the Scholastic Book Warehouse sale today! Got $100 worth of books for $2 after deducting my volunteer pay and discount! And I am volunteering again Friday!!!😄😄😄 And I finally found a copy of LumberJanes!😆
This was the last #UKYA book that I bought after watching the #zoellabookclub video and thinking how fun it sounded. I've since read it and can confirm it is a fun read and I thoroughly enjoyed it (see previously posted review) #UKYANov
Loved this! Great fantasy/magic premise with strong, interesting characters. It was recently re-released as The Potion Diaries with a cute new cover. I will definitely be tracking down book 2.
I actually really enjoyed this book and it wasn't what I was expecting at all. It reads like a fairytale and I felt like it was a light hearted Hunger Games. It's a fun, easy read.
Disappointed to see this old "wife doesn't want sex with husband but couldn't possibly say so" gag in a modern YA -- we can do better for our young girls!
I went book buying today and bought these books 😃. I can't wait to read them all, but I'm quite excited about The Potion Diaries because it sounds fun and a bit different. I love buying books. It's always so exciting!