Book haul from my library‘s little bookstore. I love my public library.
Book haul from my library‘s little bookstore. I love my public library.
This book is incredible. Dr. Ford gives a tutorial of surfing, processes her experiences, and puts her vulnerability on full display. She‘s an exceptional writer and her recap of the aftermath of her testimony was heartbreaking. I loved this book- very little about the assault and it showcases what she should be known for: an intelligent, capable, thoughtful and strong woman and parent.
If you paid close attention like I did to when Dr Blasey came forward in 2018 and testified about BK, there‘s not a lot here that‘s new. But I don‘t think that‘s the point. Rather, it‘s a chance for a survivor who has been treated unacceptably in so many ways to reclaim her voice and her story. And she does so openly, honestly, and fully. It‘s heartbreaking what she‘s been through and I respect her tremendously.