A very fake, too good to be true tale that made me shake my head and furrow my brow constantly. Nobody has that kind of luck. It gives off girl finding herself vibes, but misses the mark with too many lucky breaks. Book #44 in 2024
A very fake, too good to be true tale that made me shake my head and furrow my brow constantly. Nobody has that kind of luck. It gives off girl finding herself vibes, but misses the mark with too many lucky breaks. Book #44 in 2024
KU free read/ listen: when Avery‘s fiancee is hauled away in handcuffs at Christmas by federal agents, Avery‘s world comes crashing down - she stumbles into a phone booth and a strange voice directs her to her ex-boyfriend‘s apartment… I was lured into it by the premise and pretty cover; but it fell a bit flat for me.
#JoyousJanuary Readathon Day 7
It‘s like a winter version of a beach read. Or like a holiday hallmark movie. When Avery‘s too good to be true fiancé gets arrested by the FBI and ‘the last phone booth in manhattan‘ unknowingly directs her to her ex…she needs to decide what path to choose in this modern take on A Christmas Carol.
An inspiration and a joy with a perfect ending. Avery has just about the worst Christmas imaginable and then she gets directed to a phone booth that sends her to her ex‘s apartment. As she starts life over, she believes in the magic of the phone booth and at the same time relates to The Christmas Carol. Her introspections will make you pause too.
I got the Last Phone Booth from Amazon First Reads and then they sent me a credit for a second book. Woo hoo! Free reads for Winter Games!