This latest short story anthology marks the 17th one set in Valdemar. Beside it, is the first—published in 1997—& admittedly, the last one that I read. I‘ve never been a big fan of the short fiction format, but I am a huge fan of Lackey and after the last few weeks, I could think of nothing better than the familiarity of this wonderful world she created. This is a mix of stories— some with firmer foundations than others but makes for a fun read!
GondorGirl I have all of the anthologies and really enjoy that some of the stories have continued from each collection to the next. And Misty's stories are always lovely. I can't wait to read this newest addition. 12mo
TorieStorieS @GondorGirl After reading the author info at the end, I realized that must be the case- I have added the middle volumes now to my used bookstore wishlist! One day, I want to re-read the entire series! It‘s been so long since I‘ve done that and with these anthologies, there would be plenty new to me! 12mo
GondorGirl @TorieStorieS I just had a Facebook memory pop up from the last time I did an entire series re-read. It was seven years ago. Maybe I'll take a month this winter and devote it to Valdemar. 12mo
TorieStorieS @GondorGirl I think my last re-read was 15 years ago! I have read a few of the newer books here and there but it‘s been too long! (edited) 12mo
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