This story had some really great messages, but it was difficult staying interested; and it‘s only 144 pages. There were threads of the story that had promise but didn‘t really seem to go anywhere. #NewberyEpicChallenge
This story had some really great messages, but it was difficult staying interested; and it‘s only 144 pages. There were threads of the story that had promise but didn‘t really seem to go anywhere. #NewberyEpicChallenge
Thanksgiving reading and working on finishing a reading challenge. Claiming this for a children's classic I've never read because #NewberyMedal means classic, right?
1. I guess I read this book at the exact target age bc I still remember a quote from it (see comment).
2. Pie, as long as it‘s GF & soy free. Dietary restrictions mean cake is either a total nope or...not good.
3. I quilt as a meditation practice.
4. NYC, no question. I‘d need a (much) higher income to afford the cost of living there though.
5. Tagging ppl makes me angst. 🤭
#friyayintro @howjessreads
Rereading a #bookfromchildhood is not always a great idea. I wrote a mini review here -
Today in the life of Catherine Hall, the heroine of my current Newbery read. Thankfully there's no severe weather where I am, just really cold! #novemberbythenumbers
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
Seeing I'm living in New England I can't help but to be intrigued by the journal of a New England girl... And it doesn't hurt that it's a Newbery Metal winner. 😉