3 ⭐
Snappsy the alligator interacts with the narrator of the story. The narrator is kind of annoying. He is always wanting Snappsy to make things better, be more entertaining, etc. This book is cute, but not cute enough to out live my annoyance.
3 ⭐
Snappsy the alligator interacts with the narrator of the story. The narrator is kind of annoying. He is always wanting Snappsy to make things better, be more entertaining, etc. This book is cute, but not cute enough to out live my annoyance.
This F book is so comical!! Snappsy is going about his life when one someone starts to interrupt it by narrating everything he's doing. It also shows someone's perspective of an alligator compared to what Snappsy is actually doing. At the end you figure out who the narrator is, so fun! This book would be a great S, GR, RT, and maybe even a RA. #UCFLAE3414F17
I was Mystery Reader at my son's preschool yesterday, so I dressed for the occasion. (All the high fives for the shirt go to @outofprint )
Stop what you're doing. Go read this book. Howl with laughter. Admire its cleverness. Read it again and again. Laugh even more. You're welcome.
Such a funny book! Snappsy is just having a normal day but the narrator is describing everything as if Snappsy is a menacing character! Great illustrations and the meta aspect about what makes a book work are great too! #kidlit #picturebooks
A cute story about Snapssy, who is hungry, goes to the store, comes home, and then what? Had a party! Bright, colorful drawings, and I always enjoy kids books that address the narrator directly and make them a character in the story.