She definitely got the title right on this one!! I think their love story was a little to twisted for me though!😱🤣
She definitely got the title right on this one!! I think their love story was a little to twisted for me though!😱🤣
DNFing, which is sad because I have really enjoyed her previous books. However, the characters are so unlikeable from the beginning, I do not want to continue reading.
I just could not connect with the story or the characters. I bailed on it months ago.
Wes and Ivy have been on and off for years. They‘re dreadful people who get off on playing games with each other. But turns out something in their past is about to come back and haunt them in a big way. This seemed like it would be fun but turned out a bit flat. I finished it yesterday and already can‘t remember the ending. Drowning‘s debut was fantastic, but nothing has held a candle to it since.
I think Downing should have rewritten this - the first half was unnecessarily slow and the last third was dizzyingly fast. And that‘s typical of a thriller but first, Downing is known for fast from page 1 and second, the slow was really slow. I did like the story, though, it just needed some more editing.
I love this author and I will read anything she writes…her stories are always so engaging, a little dark, and involve some really f*cked up characters. Although, this one wasn‘t my favorite. If you like drama, can‘t help gawking at an accident on the side of the road, or generally just find other people‘s sh*t show of a life entertaining…this might totally be your jam.
I expected so much more than what this book actually delivered. Granted, I have an hour and a half left to go and I just bored to tears by the whole thing. I imagine if I finish it there will be some type of interesting twist but up until this point, I'm not impressed. Big fall from grace for Downing, IMO.