#SpringSkies #secret (s) A biography I have had for years and haven‘t read yet .
#SpringSkies #secret (s) A biography I have had for years and haven‘t read yet .
My favourite #fantasy author is #JKRowling & my favourite book of hers is Half-blood Prince.
This book is apparently one of her all-time favourites.
#agameoffavorites @ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress
Colette sounds pretty #scandalous !! I haven‘t read this one yet, but it looks good!!
I love reading biographies of women writers (I‘m considering giving them their own section in my bookshelves when I reorganize my stuff back home). This one didn‘t disappoint, as Colette‘s life was utterly fascinating. I‘ve only read a couple of her short stories, but I‘m looking forward to read her novels, that sound subversive and challenging the status quo of femininity in the late 19th century.
I‘d love to go to France. #uncannyoctober
Oh just can't figure out how to rate this Colette bio. (1) Truly well researched & full of firsthand info (letters, diaries). (2) Cassandra Campbell's performance was good (& I appreciated her French pronunciations). BUT so many tangents & minute details. I abandoned #audiobook just so I could take to skimming. AND I love Colette & biography in general. Still, happy to move along. I guess it's a pick, but I suggest print just for skim factor.
I adore biography, but it's always sad to learn something distasteful about someone whose books you've always loved. Well done look into Colette's life and nicely read by Cassandra Campbell. I'm about halfway through.