It's nice to get Arthur's beginnings, but Nola was friggin' annoying. That aside 😄 this was just a sweet story.
It's nice to get Arthur's beginnings, but Nola was friggin' annoying. That aside 😄 this was just a sweet story.
"Arthur Moses believes it is not a terrible thing to think that you may be dying."
It's a beautiful evening to sit outside and start this beauty while my daughter contends with the pandemonium of bath and bedtime 😂
#SummerSpecial #PandemoniumDay
#mothersrevenge #grandbaby #toddler #laughingmyassoff
After reading the lovely novel The Story of Arthur Truluv, this book was a disappointment. The plot had no depth and felt full of cliches.
I last visited with Arthur Moses in 2019 - an entire pandemic ago. When I saw a the new opportunity to read him at 16 and learn about how he met the love of his life… oh yeah, push that right up to my currently reading status. It‘s a good one!
My first experience with Berg‘s writing, I enjoyed this prequel to her trilogy featuring Arthur. Set in Mason, MO mostly in 1947, this coming-of-age story highlights the bonds between brothers, as well as Arthur‘s first love. I didn‘t know what to expect and now I can‘t wait to read the rest of the series! It‘s a nostalgic, emotional and engaging read- I definitely enjoyed it and felt connected to the characters!
Review is up. Not my favorite Arthur book. But it‘s still good!
Publication: Mar 21 2023
Elizabeth Berg has a special way of writing novels that are lighthearted as well as emotional. This is a coming-of-age story about growing up in Mason Missouri. Arthur Moses, is shy and compassionate. Nola McCollum is the most desirable girl in his school. Arthur has a major crush on Nola. Unfortunately, Nola only sees him as a friend.
Although this book sad in parts and funny in parts, it is ultimately quite uplifting.