#12booksof2022 #april
I always love Angela Marsons‘ Kim Stone books, but this one was particularly good. The next one in the series also came out during 2022, but didn‘t quite make my list of *absolute* favourites.
#12booksof2022 #april
I always love Angela Marsons‘ Kim Stone books, but this one was particularly good. The next one in the series also came out during 2022, but didn‘t quite make my list of *absolute* favourites.
@MicheleinPhilly @TrishB @squirrelbrain @Tove_Reads we have a new one coming!!! Kim Stone is the best! 😀
Book 1 of #JoysofJune finished!!!
Honestly I love Kim Stone. She is resilient and ruthless. This has been one of the best reads in the series for a few books and had me hooked from the first page. Not sure how she will be from here on out but I‘m looking forward to more Kim Stone! 😊
Sitting outside and enjoying sometime with Kim Stone. 😎
#BigJuneReadathon #AnyNumberInTheTitle
Love the DI Kim Stone Series, but the most recent one is one of the very best. Just wish the books had better covers. @Clwojick
Oh my goodness. I need to lie down.
I hope Mr. Derek Church‘s ticker is in good working order because mine got a mighty workout.
In the background is my version of Leanne on neighborhood watch.
Finished this one on the train on Friday. It was brilliant - all action addition to the series.
Train reading. Travelling to stay with daughter this weekend and going down to cup final tomorrow 😁
This is what I like waking up to 😁
So…this is exciting! 😆
Another exceptional book in the Kim Stone Series, read this in a day and didn‘t want to put it down. More great antagonistic play between Kim and a central character in this book.
Gets a bit violent in the end and do wonder how Kim comes back from the events of the book. Will take all her strength of character. Totally recommended.
Day 2 of the May Day Special #20in4 Readathon. Finished 1 book and read 424 pages in 6 hrs and 3 mins. An excellent reading day, on a day when it didn‘t stop raining.
Read 13 hrs 15 mins. / 24 hour target
Finished 3 / 4 Books
Wow, wow, wow! Just inhaled this book in about 2 hours. It‘s up there on a par with Dying Truth (Book 8) which has always been my favourite of the series.
In this book, Detective Kim Stone is called to a suspected murder-suicide, where a whole family has died. At the same time she faces a deathly threat from a terrifying figure from her past. (Me, trying desperately not to be all spoilery! )
Just read it! (Published 12th May)
My plans for Easter! Looks perfect, doesn‘t it? Can‘t wait to dig into these ones, I know they‘ll be great! ❣️❣️ Thank you, NetGalley!
Yay - I finally got an Angela Marsons on #netgalley! This must be the 4th or 5th I‘ve applied for, but no luck until now…
Thanks for the prompt @Tove_Reads - have you started it yet? Not that long for you to wait either! @TrishB