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Battle for the Big Top
Battle for the Big Top: P. T. Barnum, James Bailey, John Ringling and the Death-Defying Saga of the American Circus | Les Standiford
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A New York Times bestselling author writes the untold story of three Golden Age titans and the confrontations, cutthroat business strategies, and eccentric personalities that built the Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus. Millions have sat under the "big top," watching as trapeze artists glide and clowns entertain, but few know the captivating stories behind the men who shaped the circus. Battle for the Big Top is the untold story of the battles of the three circus kings--James Bailey, P.T. Barnum, and John Ringling-all vying for control of the vastly profitable and widely influential American Circus. New York Times bestselling author Les Standiford recreates a remarkable era when a community-without regard for gender, creed, or nationality--would be captivated by the spectacle created by three diversely talented individuals who transcended the ordinary. Ultimately, the rivalry of these three men resulted in the creation of an institution that would surpass all intentions and, for 147 years, hold a nation spellbound. Filled with details of their ever-evolving showmanship, business strategies, and personal magnetism, this Ragtime-like narrative will delight and enchant circus-lovers everywhere.
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I‘m particularly nostalgic for circuses and carnivals and experiencing them as an adult still strikes me with wonder. So I‘m an easily-to-please target for this book…but I swear it‘s both informative and entertaining. It‘s especially fun once we meet the characters of Barnum and Bailey. It‘s interesting to learn about the mergers and how the circus changed over time. My favorite moments were the side stories about the performers and their acts.

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I finished this earlier this month and saved it for today's #SavvySettings #Circus It was an interesting history of the three main circus rivals in America. @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Sounds great 👍🏼 3y
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Absolutely fascinating to read about the circus through the generations and lenses of some of the biggest names associated with it. Having just finished Violet & Daisy, part of the Vaudeville circuit, earlier this week, the similarities of scouting, organizing and mobilizing entire communities continues to amaze me. Though fire, money woes, and accidents plaque the subject, Les Standiford's writing offers readers the ability to visualize history..

MaggieCarr perfectly due to his descriptions. My personal memories of the circus are completely reminiscent of the later chapters with using large established arenas rather than erected tents for visitors to be entertained. 3y
MaggieCarr "The trend in technology in recent years has been to push individuals into greater and greater electronic isolation. It seems safe to assume that in the future a sizable portion of our entertainment will come directly into our homes where we will view them as solitary pleasures. As a result, there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to come together with others to create a special group known as an audience." -Ernest Albrecht 3y
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