I usually love a friend to lovers books, but I got a little frustrated with the dynamic between Jasmine and Rahul and how long it took in their friendship before they really communicated.
I usually love a friend to lovers books, but I got a little frustrated with the dynamic between Jasmine and Rahul and how long it took in their friendship before they really communicated.
I love a Talia Hibbert romance, and while this one got a little more intense than some of her stories, it was still a lovely ride. Longtime friends wind up rooming together after Jasmine's apartment is flooded, but her aversion to romantic entanglement complicates the growing chemistry between them.
So I really liked 2 of hers so far: Highly Suspicious & Unfairly Cute AND Fake Boyfriend Fiasco, plotwise this was pretty much a combination of the 2 (the tropes and child of divorce trauma of HS&UC mixed with the 🌶️ and humor of FBF) but the time jumps really killed the momentum &weren‘t needed, it just wasn‘t my favorite.
I think I just need to stop trying Hibbert‘s books pre-Brown sisters, they are just not as polished & (basically) perfect as her newer works.
I honestly forgot I was reading this one for most of this week, so that probably says it all.
Not my favorite romance, but solid. I prefer enemies to lovers over friends to lovers, I think lol. I‘m not used to quite that many sex scenes in a romance novel of this length! Definitely interested in reading more by this author.