A tough book to read and an even tougher book to discuss, Wiencek challenges his readers to consider Jefferson as a “totem” that guards American memory on the issue of slavery. A damning portrait of America‘s greatest hypocrite.
A tough book to read and an even tougher book to discuss, Wiencek challenges his readers to consider Jefferson as a “totem” that guards American memory on the issue of slavery. A damning portrait of America‘s greatest hypocrite.
Finished this on my commute today. Really great insights into the ways that slavery was justified so that plantation holders like Jefferson could continue to make money. Also has some insights into Jeff as a family man /gaslighter extraordinaire. Must read for anyone interested in the founding fathers, slavery, or capitalism.
Man, this book. I knew it would be heavy but it is quietly devastating. I had to pause and sit for a bit, after the part about the profits of Black birth (that babies being born was listed as a percent dollar growth).