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The Morning Star
The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard
A major new work from the author of the renowned My Struggle series, MORNING STAR is an astonishing, ambitious, and rich novel about what we don't understand, and our attempts to make sense of our world nonetheless It's a normal night in August. Literature professor Arne and artist Tove are with their children at the resort in Srlandet. Their friend, Egil, a driver by day, is staying in a cabin nearby. Kathrine, a priest, is on her way home from a seminar, the journalist Jostein is out on the town, and his wife Turid, who is an assistant nurse, has a night shift. Above them all, a huge star suddenly appears in the sky. No one, not even the astronomers, knows for sure what kind of phenomenon it is. Is there a star burning itself out? Why then has no one seen it before? Or is it a brand new star? Slowly the interest in the news subsides, and life goes on, but not quite as before, for unusual phenomena begin to occur on the fringes of human existence. Over these days in August, the characters the novel follows will each understand what is happening differently, and all face new struggles in their own lives. The Morning Star is a novel about what we do not understand, about great drama seen through the limited lens of little lives. But first and foremost, it is a novel about what happens when the dark forces in the world are set free.
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The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard
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I absolutely LOVED the first 85% of this book. I was taking notes on the characters because there are so many, and keeping track of the little threads that intertwined between them…and then the last 100 pages. OOF. I almost can‘t forgive him for the lack of an ending. But the first 579 pages were so good! (40)
⭐️: 3.5/5

The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard
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Has anyone else read Knausgaard? If so, what do you think of him? This is the first book I started of his, and almost immediately I fell completely head over heels in love with his writing! It's just so... beautiful! I don't even know how to describe it, but it's just absolutely mesmerizing! 💕📚

Unfortunately, there is something that happened within the first 20 pages that almost made me put the book aside 👇🏻

Branwen There is a kitten that dies and it's talked about for way too many pages to be completely honest. And if I didn't already love this book as much as I do, it might have been a deal breaker for me. I'm hoping that's going to be the one and only incident of something like that in this book? But even despite that, I'm honestly loving it so much! I really can't put into words how beautiful I find his writing! 💕📚 5mo
vivastory I have read one of his books, years ago, vol. 1 of My Struggle. There is a particular section of that book that book that has stuck with me since I read it. 5mo
batsy I thought this book was brilliant. It's my first and only by him. But sorry that I can't recall if there's more scenes specifically involving animals. I remember that kitten one being the hardest. But my memory is also terrible 😵‍💫🙈 5mo
Branwen @vivastory I've heard that one is fantastic! Did you end up reading the whole series? Or just the first one? 5mo
Branwen @batsy if the kitten scene was the worst, I think I'll be okay! I'm really just so enraptured by the writing I don't think I'll be able to put it down! He's just really drawn me in to the story and these characters! 🥰 5mo
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The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard
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I have mixed feelings about this book. I found it so compelling and unsettling throughout that I was on pins and needles much of the time and couldn‘t put it down. And then, suddenly, it ended with so much left untold. I don‘t need stories to be fully resolved, but I did want more at the end of this one. Nevertheless, a pick because it was very good until the end. Thanks for putting this one on my radar @batsy !

batsy Nice review! I too wanted more, and to know and understand more. From what I understand, the next one (Wolves of Eternity) doesn't quite give answers but maybe more questions 😂 Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to it... 8mo
sarahbarnes @batsy I looked at the blurb for Wolves when I finished hoping for a sequel 😂 But yes I also still want to read it! I think he wanted to bring the theme of what we can know and what we can‘t know into all aspects of the novel, but I was still a bit frustrated by all the unfinished stories. (edited) 8mo
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The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard
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Spændende karakterer, godt fortalt, men uforløst og til tider for rablende. En enkelt kedelig passsage, jeg næsten sprang over.

The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard
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I could relate to characters, I loved how they were written. It was easy to feel for them and everyone struggled with some things in their lives.

This wasn't fun & light at all. This was mysterious at some points but I waited for more all the time. I felt betrayed when this just ended and I didn't get an ending.

Plotwise this was scattered and when I thought that every storyline would been connected at some point they never were.


TheSpineView Bummer. Great job with powering through to the end. 1y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 Not good when a book a book makes you feel like this. (edited) 1y
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The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard
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Through the first person narratives of a cast of characters, we live through two days in Norway after a strange star appears in the sky. The POV of each character feels intimate & raw, & I thought Knausgaard does a tremendous job of structuring the book so that the shit hits the fan concurrently for each person, & out there in the world, in a way that leaves the reader unmoored & disturbed. The book is long but ends far too soon. I want more!

batsy There's a sense that the new star is a harbinger of nothing good, but what "nothing good" means depends on who you are: beast, tree, human, or something in-between. The book ends with a philosophical essay that I think people will either love or hate (I loved it, even as I rolled my eyes at some bits & agreed with other bits) but it also feels like it's not done. I can't wait for the sequel(s). My first by him but consider me Knausgaard-pilled ? 1y
jlhammar Sounds good! I'd also like to try his My Struggle books sometime. 1y
Tamra Intriguing - terrific review! I‘ve haven‘t read any of his books yet. 1y
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vivastory I have read only 1 book by him, the first volume of My Struggle, but it has one of the most agonizing, tedious depictions of grief that I have ever read. It's amazing. I read it I think 5 years ago & think about it often. I wasn't familiar with this one, definitely adding to TBR. Fantastic review! (edited) 1y
batsy @jlhammar Me too! It seems daunting but I can't deny that I'm curious. 1y
batsy @Tamra Thank you! It's a bit like philosophical genre fiction, a bit noir-ish and with elements I guess of what's referred to as cli-fi these days. 1y
batsy @vivastory That sounds incredible. Death is the focus of this book and I guess the subsequent ones, and I'm super eager to see where it goes. (There's a great video from the Edinburgh Literary Festival available online where Chris Power interviews him and it's super interesting!) 1y
arubabookwoman big Knausgaard fan here. I've read this one and the first 5 vols of My Struggle (have the 6th waiting on the shelf). Like you I think there's going to be a sequel to this one. 1y
BarbaraBB Another big Knausgård fan here. My Struggle is fantastic, all installments. I now really should read this one soon. Fantastic review! 1y
BarbaraBB Thanks for the link to the interview! 1y
sarahbarnes Oh wow, this sounds fantastic. Adding to my TBR immediately. 1y
batsy @arubabookwoman Love hearing from his fans because I'm so interested to read more 🙂 In the interview above he does mention that there will be follow-ups to The Morning Star and I'm excited! 1y
batsy @BarbaraBB Yes, I remember that you enjoyed it and that's part of the reason why I was keen to read it 💜 Now that I've read one of his novels it's definitely something I should attempt soon, before I get distracted by other books 😅 1y
batsy @sarahbarnes It hits the sweet spot of litfic and genre fic while also being subtly disturbing. It kind of got under my skin. I hope you enjoy it if you give it a try! And it's interesting to me when writers deal with the big topics, so to speak, like religion, death, climate change, etc., by situating it within the mundane and everyday. 1y
sarahbarnes I agree. The only one of his books I‘ve read is A Time for Everything and it did get under my skin, dealing with religion in such an interesting everyday way. And I think I saw that he has a new novel out or coming out soon - The Wolves of Eternity? 1y
batsy @sarahbarnes Oh, cool! I was thinking of A Time for Everything as my next one after doing some "research". Hopefully I can get to it soon ?? I believe Wolves is meant to be the sequel to Morning Star ? 1y
vivastory Thanks for the link! I have bookmarked to listen to for later 1y
Leftcoastzen How did I miss this review! I loved the My Struggle series. 1y
batsy @Leftcoastzen You might like this one, too! It's a bit like a philosophical Stephen King 😁 1y
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The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard
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The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard
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My #weeklyforecast is one big book (666 pages) and one long (10 hours) audiobook, and a lot of unwanted socialising …. I think that‘s enough for one week.

BarbaraBB More than enough! Good luck 😉😘 3y
Simona Thanks @BarbaraBB Have you read The Morning Star? 3y
BarbaraBB No, I‘ve “only” read My Struggle. Is it Good? 3y
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Simona Yes it is, although, I‘m ‘only‘ on page 254 …. but if you liked his mundane style in My Struggle you will like The Morning Star also … I think. 3y
Cinfhen Happy Holidays 😘Best wishes for peace & joy in the New Year 💖💖💖 3y
tpixie Pretty graphic! 3y
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The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard

I thought it would never end — and end it does, most unsatisfactorily. None of the plots begun for its many protagonists gets seen through, just abandoned as if the author got tired. The book is about the appearance of a bright new star and the events in people‘s lives that don‘t necessarily connect. It ends in a lot of hanging plots. In analog, it‘s 666 pages — coincidence? Heed the warning and avoid this self-important tome.

The Morning Star | Karl Ove Knausgaard

I‘ve just gotten this book because of a gushing New Yorker review. I hope it‘s better than Book One of “My Struggle,” which I found tedious and self-indulgent contrary to the New York Times‘s breathless adoration. Needless to say, I didn‘t read books 2-6. I‘ll keep you posted on this one. The cover is beautiful :)

SherryJones I thought it would never end — and end it does, most unsatisfactorily. None of the plots begun for its many protagonists gets seen through, just abandoned as if the author got tired. The book is about the appearance of a bright new star and the events in people‘s lives that don‘t necessarily connect. It ends in a lot of hanging plots. In analog, it‘s 666 pages — coincidence? Heed the warning and avoid this self-important tome. (edited) 3y
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