Holy headband! This happened to me too. Was I offended? No, I was impressed that the millennial knew who Willie Nelson was. I feel like the red-headed stranger when I don my braids & headband.
Holy headband! This happened to me too. Was I offended? No, I was impressed that the millennial knew who Willie Nelson was. I feel like the red-headed stranger when I don my braids & headband.
During the stretch of time in which I experienced hot flashes, they were infrequent (maybe once a day) and always struck me as bizarre. Sometimes they made me giggle because the sensation was so odd. I easily identify with Lynda Barry‘s description: “Wow! This feels crazy!”
Excellent! Twenty-nine cartoonists with a wide variety of styles write about different aspects of menopause. I really appreciate the diversity because we don‘t all experience menopause the same way. Among the queer contingent of contributors are: Jennifer Camper, KC Councilor, Leslie Ewing, Ellen Forney, Keet Geniza, AK Summers & Kimiko Tobimatsu. #graphicmedicine #comics