This historical fiction novel, companion to the National Jewish book Award Winner The Night Journey, named a Lupine Award Honor book for the state of Maine and Association of Jewish Libraries Notable CB of Jewish content. Children's young novel, chapter book great for book clubs, literary circles, discussion sessions and activities. In 1897, gifted violinist Reuven Bloom, experiences as a member of the Jewish community.
PatriciaS In 1904, Reuven is ultimately reunited with Rachel and Lovotz's family in America. However, as a whole, Broken Song reads like a bracing adventure story supported by a well-balanced fusion of actual historical events and Lasky's imaginative spin on her own family's background. 4y
PatriciaS https://www.encyclopedia.com>Kathryn Lasky - source information for teachers. 4y
PatriciaS https://media.btsb.com>title overview>broken song, teachers resources for activities for read aloud lessons, book 📖 resources and activities. 4y
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PatriciaS UDL#3.1 Activation and supplying background knowledge and information from resources provided for teachers. #7.2 Optimize relevance, value and authenticity through reading and discussion of background knowledge and information provided. 4y
PatriciaS ESOL#1 Teaching questioning and discussions through reading and supplying background information and facts, and questioning for clarification and comprehensive understanding. #16 Integration of speaking 🗣️ listening 🎧 reading aloud lessons and activities, and writing activities associated with the book club and/or literacy circle group activities. 4y
PatriciaS #UCFLAE3414SP21 4y
DrSpalding Wow, multiple websites, multiple English learner strategies and multiple universal design principles that all work well with this quality piece of historical fiction. Use historical fiction during social studies units! Very well done. 4y