At my hairdressers. Struck by the sentiment in her small framed poster. 😄
At my hairdressers. Struck by the sentiment in her small framed poster. 😄
At the hairdressers ... hoping to finish the Jane Smiley & start the Cara Hunter. They are putting in highlights 😬... so I‘ll be here for awhile..... 😍relaxer vous
Why do hairdressers always rush your fringe! I said just a little off; eyebrow length....now I get to go on holiday looking like Floyd!!! 🙄
Pengiun Shorts are digital short stories meant to be read during a commute or a bus ride.
This short story by Anita Brookner is about an elderly lady; Elizabeth Warner and her biweekly appointment at the hairdresser. The characters are painted with a realistic brush. The author flashbacks to the past, and shows us the present.
A very realistic story that makes you think and ponder about the life we live.