Two rival app developers go head to head to get investors to invest in their apps. Will Make Up or Break Up win?
Two rival app developers go head to head to get investors to invest in their apps. Will Make Up or Break Up win?
While I enjoyed the build up of this one night stand to enemies to lovers trope the last chapter feels like Menon hits a word ceiling and just stops writing. The family backstory details that give the characters their drives, add a lot to the storyline but the final execution is really rushed and a let-down.
When your book matches your shirt...😲💔💙📖 I started this book this morning, before getting dressed. I randomly grabbed a shirt, not even realizing that they matched until I changed into my pjs.
I‘m about halfway through, and will definitely be finishing, but I‘m a little sad to report this one isn‘t really clicking with me so far, despite being one of my fave tropes (hate to love) and an author I consider one of the biggest in the YA romance market right now (though this is an adult romance to be clear).
As much chemistry as there is btwn the protagonists, I actually found them interesting characters individually. Their work sounded fascinating & I could've read a book just about the apps' development & success. The conflicts seemed obvious & it was a bit hard to believe these 2 intelligent people couldn't resolve it more quickly, but it was satisfying when they did. I came to appreciate Menon's message, to believe in optimism & 2nd chances.
This enemies to lovers romance felt like watching two hot petty people at your job take shots at each other and you just know they're gonna hook up eventually. So, I'm here for the drama and mess, but I really didn't care one way or another.