This was a quick, funny little book that helped me get a little closer to my reading goal for the year. Recommended for cat lovers 😸
This was a quick, funny little book that helped me get a little closer to my reading goal for the year. Recommended for cat lovers 😸
#LitsyPartyofOne #GraphicNovel #Graphic #LibraryLoans #MyReadingWeekend #AddictedToGraphicNovels @TricksyTails #ForTheLoveOfBooks
#LitsyPartyofOne #GraphicNovel #Graphic #LibraryLoans #MyReadingWeekend #AddictedToGraphicNovels @TricksyTails #ForTheLoveOfBooks
I took so many pics of this book that I'm going to have to "spoiler" them all. ? SUCH A GREAT BOOK. HAha!
#LitsyPartyofOne #GraphicNovel #CrazyCatLady #LibraryLoans #MyReadingWeekend #AddictedToGraphicNovels @TricksyTails #ForTheLoveOfBooks
The one book I've ever brought home that my fiancé wanted to read with me. ? we've been following the web comics for a while, and it is actually the funniest shit ever. If you have a cat, or like cats, or literally know ANYTHING at all about cats.... then this book is for you. Go! Quick! Now! Read it and weep tears of laughter. Lol. ???
#LitsyPartyofOne #GraphicNovel #Meow #MyReadingWeekend #AddictedToGraphicNovels @TricksyTails #CrazyCatLady
Had to make two posts to include everything my secret Santa spoiled me with! This awesome funny cat book which I'm thinking my profile picture of my adored Scamp may have given a hint I'm a big cat lover and love to read about cats! I'm also a Harry Potter fan and love these clever book marks:). The candles come scented in Old Books, Book Store, Oxford Library and Book Cellar! How fun is that??? Thank you again!
Nicky knows that reading is the key to conquering the corporate world! 😸 #augustphotochallenge #booksthatmakeyousmile #day8 #internationalcatday