A pleasing percentage of robot cartoons. 🤖☺️ Honestly, a Tom Gauld comic collection is just the ticket for a reading palette cleanse. Amusing, sly, silly, sweet.
A pleasing percentage of robot cartoons. 🤖☺️ Honestly, a Tom Gauld comic collection is just the ticket for a reading palette cleanse. Amusing, sly, silly, sweet.
I would go to that exhibit.
Pretty blinky lights and mystery machinery = ✨ART
Poor lil' bot! 😭🤖
Cute little collection of science humor.
This was utterly delightful and I need to buy my own copy. One of my favourites is “Presenting my findings with infographics”.
#ShutdownReadathon book 15
The future of the automobile 🤣
Ooooo! Look what a nice surprise from my library hold list! 😊 💜 👍 🎉