The book‘s design is the real star. It revolutionized magazine layout in the 1960s. The message is interesting, but it doesn‘t quite imagine the realities of the internet or darker sides of social media.
The book‘s design is the real star. It revolutionized magazine layout in the 1960s. The message is interesting, but it doesn‘t quite imagine the realities of the internet or darker sides of social media.
“...the environment that man creates becomes his medium for defining his role in it.” McLuhan was often cited by Neil Postman in his work on how the television/screen medium itself influences and shapes, often unwittingly, the content of the messages it conveys to us. This odd little book was McLuhan‘s original argument along this same line, that as we transitioned from a print based medium to an electronic one, our thought patterns would change.
Message. Massage. Mess Age. Mass Age.
Don't know if this title is a Typo or not.
Im@treating myself to a professional massage tonight. Don't know if I "deserve" it or not, but my shoulder hurts and I can afford it, so I'm taking it.