Very sad what this girl went through. Memoir of growing up being abused. Not for the faint of heart. Highly recommend. Gave it 5 stars.
Very sad what this girl went through. Memoir of growing up being abused. Not for the faint of heart. Highly recommend. Gave it 5 stars.
I like true crime, memoirs, and true stories. This was sad but a great book. 2 book series. I had to give it 5 stars. I refuse to give any less to a child abuse memoir. Recommend if you like true stories.
A young woman narrates her childhood story of growing up in a home with an abusive father. The abuse progresses as she gets older to the unimaginable. She is terrified to live in her own home and feels like there is no way out. Feeling lost and alone, she finally tells her secret to the world and ends up finding out that daddy was hiding a lot more than she imagined.
This book tells the story of a woman who lived in her own personal hell. But created by a man who was supposed to protect and cherish her. I don't get how people can do this to their child. True monsters live in our world, and some we see every day. My heart breaks for this woman. But to see her courage, strength and willpower gives me hope for the future.
Have tissues ready people. It's an amazing true story worth the read.
#mustread #METOO