#CurrentlyListening to this tale of three obsessive birders striving to break records during their Big Year #birding #ArmchairBirding
#CurrentlyListening to this tale of three obsessive birders striving to break records during their Big Year #birding #ArmchairBirding
For anyone remotely interested in birding as a hobby and especially competitive birding, this book is a must-read. Filled with a great balance of birding tips and wild stories, the entertainment value was spot-on while also inspiring others to go after their own version of a Big Year.
I got these today from the amazingly talented @teebe I love them so much I want to frame them! I think I‘ll settle for getting them laminated bc I would cry if anything happened to them.
And I got maple candy (the best candy ever). Best start to a new year (despite our subzero temperatures).
When a library‘s gotta do what a library‘s gotta do (the rest of the book is practically brand new!).
A friend is getting wisdom teeth pulled today. I'm their ride home. Nothing to do but wait....and read obviously. #readeverywhere
Reading Envy Podcast Episode 064: Reading Down the Rabbit Hole http://bit.ly/2ar8JdK