Ooo 226📚 4⭐️
Ooo I love Lottie!💚
As someone with a runny nose, I can relate!😂
She‘s gorgeous 👏🏻
Ooo 226📚 4⭐️
Ooo I love Lottie!💚
As someone with a runny nose, I can relate!😂
She‘s gorgeous 👏🏻
I am completely hooked on this graphic novel series after receiving the first one for christmas!
The story is really addictive and well done, with the characters all having likeable traits, as well as really horrible ones.
This focuses on how social media can really impact our lives and how easily it can all go wrong, and also how what we see on the screen and show to the world is actually completely different to who we are as people 🥀
I wasn't able to sleep much last night, but I was able to get through 6 issues of Snotgirl. ☺️ Quite enjoying this series so far.
Man, this one's really got me confused as to if I want to continue reading-the surprise ending insists yes I do but, honestly, the MC & the rest of them make me want to chuck a PSL (and this graphic novel) at the next young "fashion" blogger I see! I think that is kind of Lee O'Malley's aim- highlighting the shallow, vapid, egocentric nature of these people but grrr. Maybe it just reminds me too my cousin...harsh but fair. ?
I'm off for the next few days and I'm so thankful to have so much reading material! @kylienoele and I are having a readers day-in! Hopefully many reviews to come! 💃🏻
I sense a lot of 💰 disappearinggggg soon. I read this so fast and my library doesn't have the others!
The surprise ending of Issue 1 made me immediately stack the first volume! The comic has a very weird, disjointed tone but I think it will work really well with the subject matter (curated public persona vs. shameful private doubt and anxiety). Thank you to Image comics for the free issue at #BookExpo ✌️❤️
My first read out of all my #BookExpo loot has been Issue One of Snot Girl! I read through it while waiting in autograph lines to meet Tillie Walden and Daniel Jose Older. If you haven't swung by their booth already, Image Comics is giving out first issues of a lot of their hit series, including Descender, Monstress, Saga, Outcast, and Paper Girls!
Ok, trying to be more positive. The music has stopped for now but they may just be looking for more music so I am keeping my earplugs handy. Along with some Peeps a couple good books and a cat or two to cuddle up to, things might just be tolerable 😬#Litsypartyofone
Impulse buy at B&N tonight. I've never read a graphic novel.