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Friday Brown
Friday Brown | Vikki Wakefield
9 posts | 3 read | 1 to read
They call me Friday. It has been foretold that on a Saturday I will drown ...Friday Brown was saved by Silence. Brought up travelling the endless roads of the Australian wilds, Friday's past was shaped by stories, told dreamily by her mother around glowing campfires and on the edge of endless plains. But her mother's death left Friday lost, and running from a family curse that may or may not be real. Desperate and alone in the middle of a strange city, a voiceless boy with white-blond hair and silver eyes appeared from nowhere, stole her heart and took her home.Friday is welcomed by a strange gang of lost kids and runaways. Led by the beautiful but fearsome Arden, the group live an underground life in the city, begging, stealing and performing to keep themselves alive. But when Silence returns to the house covered in someone else's blood and terrified, the gang escape to an outback ghost town, leaving everything behind. Murungal Creek is abandoned, desolate and full of empty promises. Life in Arden's gang starts to unravel, and the anger, lies and deceit that have been hidden for so long start to float to the surface. Having been swept along by the currents of life for as long as she can remember, Friday suddenly finds herself struggling to stay afloat, and alive. As devastation threatens, Friday must face up to her past, and fight, for the first time in her life.From the winner of the Adelaide Festival Award for Literature, 2012, FRIDAY BROWN is a remarkable story, described by the Weekend Australian as a story with 'characters so palpable you can imagine passing them in the street.'
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Friday Brown | Vikki Wakefield
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1. Last night‘s walk
2. 3 younger sisters
3. No
4. I would love to know more of the family history but never delved into it.
5. Central
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

Friday Never Leaving | Vikki Wakefield
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1) The near 100 degree finally broke and we're back into the 70s.
2) 1 brother and 1 sister
3) Nope
4) Only ever slightly
5) Central


Friday Brown | Vikki Wakefield
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1. Cookie 🍪 Jam!! I‘m addicted
2. Don‘t play favorites; too many good books in ALL genres
3. Reese‘s Chocolate Peanut Butter eggs
4. Eh...I will hang out with my books instead
5. Too many to name! But I‘ll tag one! @beammandi


ReviewsbytheMrs Love peanut butter eggs 💜 7y
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Friday Brown | Vikki Wakefield
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1. Jason Mamoa..oh my
2. Today it's blue..depends on my mood.
3. The Passage..887 pages! To be fair, I started it in 2017 but finished it in 2018.
4. Mark Watney from The Martian because if anything went wrong he would know what to do! Darrow and Mustang from the Red Rising series because they're awesome and would fight any dangerous space aliens. Hmm..#4..Has anyone written a book about Jason Mamoa?
5. Will do!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

britt_brooke He is truly gorgeous. 🤩 7y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego 😂😂 number 4! 7y
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Friday Brown | Vikki Wakefield
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1. Ebooks mostly but I usually have a paperback on the go too 👍
2. 8
3. Nachos!! Preferably with queso 😁
4. Big Bang Theory, Friends and HIMYM never get old
5. If you haven't played yet....tag! You're it!


Friday Brown | Vikki Wakefield
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1. Key Lime Pie
2. I'm only dabbling lately. More reading.
3. Thinking about reading A Suitable Boy this year gives me anxiety! What if I hate it?
4. Only 6 months, but it's been fabulous. This is such a great group of people, but then most book lovers are right? 😜
5. Ready to chat 'em up!

Ash.on.the.line Oh love key lime pie! 💚 7y
Pamwurtzler Mmmmm key lime pie! 7y
Chasing_Pages Great dessert choice 🤤 7y
Lcsmcat Yum! 7y
Aurora0044 Yes but dabbling leads to addiction. Come on and cross over to the dark (Netflix) side.....we have great story lines, hot guys, and pie 😂 7y
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Friday Brown | Vikki Wakefield
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#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

1. I Dream of Jeannie
2. A Cure for Gravity by Joe Jackson
3. Pizza (I don't hate it but I don't like it as much as everyone else seems to)
4. My son's 21st birthday
5. 👍 tagging @Emmalibby

Cinfhen I don‘t like pizza, either and my daughter turns 25 in February 💕💕 7y
UwannaPublishme Jeannie! 🙌🏻 7y
CarolynM @Cinfhen I'm glad I'm not alone in the anti-pizza club. Everyone looks at me sideways when I say I'd prefer something else. 7y
Cinfhen I was called a "freak" (twice) yesterday for saying I don't like pizza ??? and absolutely no offense taken❣️❣️❣️❣️ 7y
26 likes4 comments
Friday Brown | Vikki Wakefield
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1. Crunchy
2. I haven‘t read anything published in 2018, so my favourite book that I‘ve read in 2018 was either Rivers of London or one of the three Flavia de Luce novels I got from my #ssgp
3. Go for a run, tidy up, reading
4. Speak every language
5. I did single honours history at uni, so didn‘t have one. I think I had enough English courses to have had it as a minor if I‘d gone to uni in the US.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

howjessicareads Rivers of London! 😍😍😍 7y
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