I will confess, the sword-swallowing chapter made me a bit nauseous. Some of the “solutions” presented have also since been proven dangerous. Still an enthralling read.
I will confess, the sword-swallowing chapter made me a bit nauseous. Some of the “solutions” presented have also since been proven dangerous. Still an enthralling read.
I‘m actually really enjoying this one! I‘ve just finished a chapter detailing how to perform a bunch of fire-eating feats. I‘m honestly just as impressed at the ingenuity of the tricks now that I know how they work as I would have been without that knowledge.
Trying to keep myself well-rounded by throwing in a renowned skeptic to the fray. Always a good idea to look at all sides of the issue, no? I‘ve always rather admired Houdini‘s dedication to his denial of the fantastic. I wish I could have a fraction of that certainty myself in anything save death and taxes.