My daughter and I read this when it came out (several times)
I have no idea why we didn‘t read the rest in the series other than we were just re-reading this.
#ChinaGirl #WanderingJune
My daughter and I read this when it came out (several times)
I have no idea why we didn‘t read the rest in the series other than we were just re-reading this.
#ChinaGirl #WanderingJune
#photoadaynov16 #herebedragons I'm not big on sci fi or fantasy so my dragon exposure is pretty limited. I did however read this a couple of years ago with a friend's daughter as part of our Big Girls Book Club. ☺️
It has been quite a few years since I read Dragonkeeper, but I remember that it was good and #setinasia as in ancient China
Ping is a girl serving the Imperial Dragonkeeper who is a drunkard and now Danzi is the only Dragon left in China. She frees him and they go on a journey through all of China with the rat Hua to get to the ocean where Danzi can live freely
#septphotochallenge #somethingforsept #booksforchildren