This one looks super cool! 😎
#frosty prompt for #wishesandblessings
This one looks super cool! 😎
#frosty prompt for #wishesandblessings
I wasn't particularly impressed with this one. There is an interesting world with robots that have taken over and humans infected with an illness that causes extreme cannibalism (Sort of like Reavers in Firefly), but it just left me with more questions than answers. The characters were underdeveloped. It's a bit predictable too. The world was interesting enough to keep me reading though. 2/5. (ARC version read, though book was out for awhile now)
I identify with Frost as far as her empathy towards her animal goes but that's about it. I feel as though this story has real potential but the way the story arc went, I didn't believe it and didn't really care about the characters which was frustrating as I wanted his story to get more involved. #litsyAtoZ #letterK #robots #zombies #animals #teenya #teenlit #youngadult #fantasyrealism #fiction #fantasy #dystopia
Day 3 of #RiotGrams: #HowIRead - I'm usually laying down in bed, book hovering over my face. (I've dropped it on my face quite a few times when I start to drift off) 😂
Nope Nope Nope! If have any issues reading about animal cruelty or have a sensitive stomach, don't read this.