“Suraj knew only that he wanted to kill, smash the world into fragments.”
This books is making my subway ride fly ❤️📚
#fiction #literaryfiction #amreading #books
“Suraj knew only that he wanted to kill, smash the world into fragments.”
This books is making my subway ride fly ❤️📚
#fiction #literaryfiction #amreading #books
This books is intense 😥📚
#fiction #literaryfiction #smallpress
I am afraid I don't understand this novel. It has such a potential (I liked the storyline about Nomi as well as that about the 3 old ladies and the tea sellers on the beach), but Roy doesn't work out any of them. Or if she does, I don't understand. The ending as well, what's happening and why?
#booker #manbooker
Picture: Lisbon, Portugal
I'm calling it. 140 pages in and I'm still not sure what is driving this novel. The writing is lush and the people, interesting, but my to read stack is calling to me and I'm not going to finish this one. #bookguilt
More "leisure" stickers from my university library. Going into the library in a bad mood is like going grocery shopping hungry-- you always get more than you intended to. Luckily, I think these are going to be amazing ? #bookstack #tbr #nativeamericanhistorymonth
Quick, engaging read about 6 different people in India. Well written- violence wasn't salacious and over done, love was honest and not overly perfect.
This is the only book I brought on my quick 2 day trip to WI....please, please be good!😳
A deeply spiritual yet very stark novel about six people in a temple town (Jarmuli isn't actually a real place, but an amalgam of seaside towns full of religious pilgrims and tourists): three elderly women on a vacation/pilgrimage, a temple guide, a photographer, and a young woman using the guise of a location scouting trip to find the ashram where she lived as a child. Utterly spellbinding and heartbreaking.
I may have found a new author to follow. Such a beautiful straightforward style.
Walking home, listening to the Lit Up podcast (which is excellent, and which I should listen to much, much more regularly) and finding out that I must read this novel.
Beautifully written story about a resort town in India and the lives that intersect there over a two week holiday. I appreciated how the author did not exploit the violent scenes, she used them subtly and let the reader's imagination make them as harsh as each can stand. Deft touch. #sleepingonjupiter #anuradharoy #DSCPrize #awardwinner
So excited for these two galleys from Graywolf! I wasn't able to afford the Galley Club since I'm currently too broke (student loans problems, amiright?), but when a friend finished these and gave them to me I was ELATED! 🙌 I miss being a part of Graywolf's team and it will always hold a special place in my heart as the start of my publishing career 💖 @Graywolfpress