Toni Morrison writes about school desegregation and the Civil Rights Movement. She specifically examines how individuals, both black and white, challenged discriminatory laws and values to enable a better and equal life for African Americans.
Toni Morrison writes about school desegregation and the Civil Rights Movement. She specifically examines how individuals, both black and white, challenged discriminatory laws and values to enable a better and equal life for African Americans.
Morrison creates captions for pictures taken during school desegregation. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
After reading about the recent book banning ( seriously!), I went on a banned book buying spree. I ordered several by Toni Morrison. This is the first one I have read, 78 pages, a short book, but one of the most powerful books I have read.
My local bookshop put up a nice little twist to the usual #RIP tribute to #ToniMorrison yesterday. Rest In Power, and thank you!
There's so much of her work I haven't read, but this quote of hers will always resonate with me.
The world has one less brilliant novelist in it today.
While I haven‘t read any of her works, I‘ve seen her quotes scattered around various places and she seemed like such a force of light and power.
I‘ve spent the last couple of hours educating myself on her, and I am so deeply saddened that this world lost such an icon today.
Well done, Toni.
My most sincere sympathies to those of you mourning this loss more than I am today.
A photographic story about the journey to school integration. The text is simple enough even for younger elementary students, and the photographs are powerful. I wish there was context with the photos on the same page, even just identifying people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. for the kids who will read this. They are identified in the photo notes, but having them on the same page would be more kid-friendly.