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This was an interesting story but I struggled with it because theyre all so unlikeable. By the end I warmed to Luke but he still had some bad moments. The other two I kept hoping for redemption but it never seemed to come especially as I wanted to like Will. The story itself is told by each brother in extracts of their lives which I liked as it gave more depth. You saw each incident from everyones point of view. #netgalley 3*
I hated every main character in this book. They were atrocious and mostly despicable = good character development. Heavy all the way through and packed with all the social issues. I'm happy to be done with this though I found myself finishing it. Turning to something lighter and hopefully funny. I feel like I need a cleanse.
What a family.
FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/y69uo7vd
When you can't go out to a cafe... Or to Northern Ireland. Homemade norn irish scones
Book mail! This one sounds really interesting. Excited to start it.