What makes something go viral? Is there a formula to follow or do these things happen randomly? It's easy to establish why retrospectively, but what about when you set out to create? Jonah's six STEPPS as he calls them, if applied to any content, will certainly increase the likelihood of that happening. And even if you're not a creator, this book is a fascinating read into what makes something go viral. (4.5/5)
Realized I'm burning out on autobiographies lately. If I have to read one more account of childhood in the 60s... 🙃 ANYWAY. Taking a break from Kick Me to jump over to this book on the psychology of things going viral. Pretty excited about it
Interesting book. I can see it being of practical value for folks in certain industries, along with those who are just curious about why and how some things catch on and others don‘t. Easy to read, not too complex, and relatively short. May not go into enough depth for some.
This book is A M AZ I N G !!! Words cannot express how great this book is! Highly recommend this 📚!
*This books is for anyone interested in marketing, entrepreneurship, statistics and/or data/research! If you are a student this book is a must have!
I got this from our consultant last year but never read it. Now the company wants my whole department to read it. I‘d better get moving. 😀 reading at work! I‘ll try not to slip my fiction book behind it.
A little coffee with Mrs White and some reading while I wait for my computers to start up at work (it's a process). #coffeeandabook
Much is made of the fact that the author teaches at Wharton, so those hoping for a mini-course in marketing may be disappointed. Laypeople (myself) will find this interesting but unlikely to consciously use his STEPP principles. Not sure this book will become contagious which is somewhat ironic.
Not sure I agree -- is this a bit dated? He's talking about sharing via email but it sure seems like there's a lot of sharing of negative news stories on Facebook. Do people even share links to articles via email anymore?
90° already at 11am. Poolside reading: Contagious. Supposed to be along the lines of Malcolm Gladwell but with more explanation of the whys behind certain trends. So far I've learned that social media provides less word of mouth than most think. But Litsy wasn't invented at the time of writing ?